Marketing Email Module ###################### The marketing_email module manages mailing lists. Mailing List ************ A mailing list groups emails under a name and a language Email ***** It stores emails for a mailing list and provides links to the related party or web user. Two actions are available: - *Request Subscribe* which sends an e-mail to confirm the subscription to a list. - *Request Unsubscribe* which sends an e-mail to confirm the unsubscription of an email address from the list. Message ******* It stores a message to send to all e-mails addresses on a list. A message is defined by: * From: the address from which the message is sent. * List: the list of addresses to send the message to. * Title * Content * State: * Draft * Sending * Sent A wizard is available that sends a message to a unique e-mail address from the list for test purposes. Configuration ************* The marketing_email module uses parameters from the section: - ``[marketing]``: - ``email_from``: The default ``From`` for the e-mails that get sent. - ``email_subscribe_url``: the URL to confirm the subscription to which the parameter ``token`` will be added. - ``email_unsubscribe_url``: the URL to unsubscribe an e-mail address to which the parameter ``token`` will be added. - ``email_spy_pixel``: A boolean to activate spy pixel. Disable by default.