***** Usage ***** .. _Configure Shopify Web Shop: Configure Shopify Web Shop ========================== First you must create a new `custom app `_ for your Shopify store with, as a minimum, the following permissions: * Fulfillment services: Read and write * Inventory: Read and write * Orders: Read and write * Product listings: Read and write * Products: Read and write * Assigned fulfillment: Read and write * Merchant-managed fulfillment orders: Read and write You also need to copy the password that is generated. When setting the :doc:`Web Shop `'s type to "Shopify", you must fill in the "Shop URL" (e.g. ``https://.myshopify.com``) and the "Password" with the copied one. .. note:: At least one `Payment Journal ` is needed to book the transactions. Different scheduled tasks are responsible for uploading products and inventories and fetching and updating orders as `Sales `. You can also register a `webhook `_ for each order event to get updates when they happen.