The Templates are used to predefine a set of basic accounting structures and rules. The templates have the same properties as their non-template equivalents except they are not linked to a Company.
There are templates for:
Tax Codes, and
These templates are used together to form a complete accounting structure for particular country and/or company type.
Create Chart#
The Create Chart wizard takes a set of templates and creates the corresponding accounts structure for a single Company. This includes structures like the chart of accounts, balance sheet and income statement, and taxes and related tax management and reporting structures.
See also
The create chart wizard can be started from the main menu item:
Update Chart#
The Update Chart wizard updates a Company’s accounts structure with any changes that have been made to the underlying templates.
See also
The update chart wizard can be started from the main menu item:
Account Move Template#
An Account Move Template provides a predefined structure for an Account Move.
Each account move template can define a set of keywords. Values for these keywords are requested from the user when the template is used. These values are then substituted for the keyword placeholders defined in the account move template’s fields.
The account move template’s lines, and their tax lines, mirror the structure of Account Move Lines and Tax Lines respectively. However, in selected fields they also allow the use of expressions that can contain the keyword placeholders.
Create Move#
The Create Move wizard is used to create a new Account Move based on a selected Move Template.
See also
The create move wizard can be started from the main menu item: