Stock Forecast Module#
The stock forecast module provide a simple way to create stock moves toward customers with a date in the future. This allow other stock mecanism to anticipate customer demand.
The forecast form contains:
A location from which the products will leave.
A destination (which is a customer location).
Two dates defining a period in the future.
A company
A list of forcast lines with:
A product
A quantity which represent the total demand for the period
A minimal quantity for each move.
A unit of measure.
The “Complete Forecast” button allow to auto-complete forecast lines based on previous stock output for dates in the past.
The forecasts are deactivated automatically when their period has passed.
Forecast States#
It is the initial state and the state used for edition. No moves are linked to the forecast lines
Once in state done, moves are created for each forecast line:
They are spread homogeneously between the two dates of the forecast.
Move quantities are bigger or equal to the minimal quantity set on the forecast line.
On a cancelled forecast all existing moves are cancelled and the form is readonly.