Release notes#

Version 7.2.1 - 2024-05-01#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

Version 7.2.0 - 2024-04-29#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Rename ‘done’ button to ‘do’

  • Add location name fields to move

  • Unify shipment assignation scheduled jobs

  • Fill shipment number only in waiting state

  • Manage assignation for customer shipment with same picking and output location

  • Add pblc argument to assign_try

Version 7.0.0 - 2023-10-30#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Add support for Python 3.12

  • Add menu entry to list warehouses

  • Check outgoing product quantities for internal shipment

  • Check inventory product quantities for customer return shipment

  • Check outgoing product quantities of customer shipment

  • Check inventory product quantities of supplier shipment

  • Store original planned date of shipments to compute delay

  • Store original planned date of moves to compute delay

  • Rename Uom to Unit for move and inventory

  • Add product cost price to move

  • Add location and date to inventory name

Version 6.8.0 - 2023-05-01#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Add stock invert context to compute quantity

  • Remove support for Python 3.7

  • Add support for Python 3.11

  • Allow searching reporting records by name

  • Assign all possible shipments when trying

  • Store warehouse locations on shipments

Version 6.6.0 - 2022-10-31#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Limit transit only between different warehouses

  • Remove default currency on move

  • Allow cancelling move done

  • Support warehouse pickup

  • Allow resetting packed customer shipments

  • Allow grouping by date products by location

  • Ignore consumable products when inactivating locations

Version 6.4.0 - 2022-05-02#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Add location or warehouse in shipment tree view

  • Warn user when deactivating a product that has stock

  • Add support for Python 3.10

  • Remove support for Python 3.6

Version 6.2.0 - 2021-11-01#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Add method to sort quantities for assignation

  • Add warehouse properties to move

  • Allow view location as parent of warehouse

Version 6.0.0 - 2021-05-03#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Allow shipments to be automatically assigned

  • Rename inventory count quantity_added to quantity

  • Add document source on move of product quantities by warehouse

  • Add relate from assigned shipment to products quantities by warehouse

  • Show quantities by warehouse for many products

  • Default to ordering shipments by date

  • Add delivery usage to contact mechanism

  • Make customer’s outgoing moves editable for same storage and output zone

  • Add margin reporting

  • Add products_by_locations Model

Version 5.8.0 - 2020-11-02#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Remove support for Python 3.5

  • Add picked step to customer shipment workflow

  • Add cron task to reschedule past shipments

  • Allow lost and found on inventory moves of shipments

  • Add waste locations on warehouses

  • Add warning to prevent move in the future

  • Add relate to open inventory lines

  • Use simplified view for moves list on shipments

  • Add a relate from product to its moves

  • Factorize the cost price of move for cost computation

  • Fill grouping values when assigning move

  • Use a single assign wizard for all shipments

  • Add access rules to product quantities by warehouse

  • Add moves for product quantities by warehouse

  • Enforce filling cost price of move

  • Rename move state from cancel to cancelled

  • Rename shipment states from cancel to cancelled

  • Rename inventory state from cancel to cancelled

  • Override warehouse with context value for current user

Version 5.6.0 - 2020-05-04#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Add visual on product and location quantities

  • Define one lost and found location per warehouse

  • Show warehouse in user status if not unique

  • Add cost price revision

  • Add wizard to modify product cost price

  • Add cron task to recompute product cost

  • Update cost of moves when recomputing product cost

Version 5.4.0 - 2019-11-04#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Add today record in Product Quantities By Warehouse

  • Allow consumable product on inventories

  • Let the user select a default warehouse

  • Add method to get default warehouse

  • Improve moves synchronisation on shipments

  • Allow move as move’s origin

  • Open product quantities by warehouse to show moves

Version 5.2.0 - 2019-05-06#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Don’t set default unit price on stock move

  • Prefer to pick product from the source location

  • Change move attribute of ShipmentReport for a method

  • Rename inventory count quantity_resulting to total_quantity

Version 5.0.0 - 2018-10-01#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Add count wizard on inventory

  • Remove support for Python 2.7

  • Prevent delete lines if inventory is not draft or canceled

  • Manage same input and storage location in customer return shipment

Version 4.8.0 - 2018-04-23#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Add _stock_move_split context keyword when copying move for split

  • Manage same input and storage location in supplier shipment

  • Check pending shipment to erase party

  • Define how inventory non filled lines are managed

  • Do not fill inventory quantity automatically

  • Assign supplier return shipment using children when location is a view

  • Duplicate “Locations Quantity” into tree and list

  • Remove product_ids from products_by_location for grouping_filter

  • Add quantities relates on Template

  • Allow grouping per product columns to compute quantities

Version 4.6.0 - 2017-10-30#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Add flat children option on location

  • Raise single warning for move without origin

  • Allow to set manual effective date on move

  • Improve computation of cost price

  • Limit move locations ‘child_of’ constraints to specific shipment states

  • Allow to delete staging move

  • Allow to deactivate only empty locations

Version 4.4.0 - 2017-05-01#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Add employee on shipments for some states

  • Add request state on internal shipment

  • Manage same picking/storage and output location

Version 4.2.0 - 2016-11-28#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Make inventory number always readonly

  • Manage readonly state on Inventory Line

  • Add lead time and transit location for internal shipments between warehouses

Version 4.0.0 - 2016-05-02#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Rename Shipments code into number

  • Add number to inventories

  • Add supplier and delivery address on supplier return shipment

  • Add Python3 support

  • Add do button on stock move form & list

  • Add warehouse address on internal shipment

Version 3.8.0 - 2015-11-02#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Add drop location type

  • Add buttons on stock move form & list

  • Allow to use view location on staging and draft moves

  • Add picking location on warehouse

  • Always compute expected quantity in inventory

  • Allow to change the destination of internal shipment’s moves

  • Allow to modify internal shipment moves in waiting state

  • Compute inventory lines in complete_lines() using new grouping() method

  • Allow to re-compute cost price

  • Allow to change unit price of move done

Version 3.6.0 - 2015-04-20#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Add support for PyPy

  • Add ‘staging’ state to stock move

  • Apply stock_assign of compute_quantity_query only on outgoing moves

  • Add domain on location’s parent and childs

  • Do not filter out inactive products from stock computation

Version 3.4.0 - 2014-10-20#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Always succeed assignation from lost and found on internal shipments

  • Remove return shipment out wizard

Version 3.2.0 - 2014-04-21#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Add warning for moves without origin

  • Allow to define the effective date of shipments

  • Prevent changing product type if stock moves exist

  • Use new methods to compute quantities in StockMixin._search_quantity()

  • Split products_by_location into two methods on Move: compute_quantities_query and compute_quantities

  • Use origin for inventory moves

  • Allow partial assignation on Supplier Shipment Return

Version 3.0.0 - 2013-10-21#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Add Mixin class with helper to setup stock quantity fields

  • Allow to customize move creation of Inventory

  • Allow to customize unique constraint on Inventory

  • Allow specific grouping Period Cache

  • Add grouping on products_by_location and assign_try

Version 2.8.0 - 2013-04-22#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Merge all shipment Many2One into shipment Reference

  • Add origin Reference on Stock Move

  • Add workflow to stock move

Version 2.6.0 - 2012-10-22#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Add Product Quantities By Warehouse

Version 2.4.0 - 2012-04-24#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Remove special to_location_warehouse search clause

  • Remove default from and to location and instead use domain

  • Update cost_price only from supplier to storage

Version 2.2.0 - 2011-10-25#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Ensure coherence between planned date of shipments and moves

Version 2.0.0 - 2011-04-27#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Add period to reduce data computation

  • Add internal_quantity on move to speedup computation

Version 1.8.0 - 2010-11-01#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

Version 1.6.0 - 2010-05-11#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Use model singleton to define shipment sequences

  • Add default search value on inventory, move and shipments

Version 1.4.0 - 2009-10-19#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Add new group “Stock Force Assignment”

  • Migrate packing* objects and tables to shipment*

  • Return move id in create_move of inventory line

Version 1.2.0 - 2009-04-20#

  • Bug fixes (see mercurial logs for details)

  • Added return packings and a wizard to create customer return packing.

  • Make assign_try to assign as much possible

  • Move assign_try and pick_product from product.product to stock.move

  • Added stock_skip_warehouse keyword for products_by_location method. The default behaviour is now to compute quantities on all child locations for a warehouse.

  • Handle average price for products return to supplier

  • Added stock_destinations keyword on products_by_location context to filter moves to a set of destinations.

  • Allow egg installation

Version 1.0.0 - 2008-11-17#

  • Initial release