Purchase Requisition Module


Purchase Requisition Module#

The Purchase Requisition module allows users to create their purchase requisitions. Those requisitions will be approved or rejected by the Approval group. On approval, purchase requests will be created.


  • Employee: The requester.

  • Description: The description of the purchase requisition.

  • Supply Date: The expected date to supply.

  • Currency: define the currency to use for this requisition. All product prices will be computed accordingly.

  • Warehouse: Define the warehouse where the shipment will be made.

  • Purchase Requisition Lines:

    • Supplier: The supplier.

    • Product: An optional reference to the product to request.

    • Description: The description of the product to request.

    • Quantity: The quantity to request.

    • Unit: The unit of measure in which is expressed the quantity.

    • Unit Price: The unit price of the product expressed in the currency of the purchase requisition.

    • Amount: The amount of the current line (Unit Price multiplied by Quantity).

  • Total: The total amount.

  • State: The state of the purchase requisition. May take one of the following values: Draft, Waiting, Rejected, Processing, Done, Cancelled.

  • Company: The company which issue the purchase requisition.