***** Setup ***** .. _Setting up the accounts structure: Setting up the accounts structure ================================= After you've activated the *Account Module* the module configuration will run the `Create Chart ` wizard and allow you to create your `Company's ` accounts structure from a template. It is normally a good idea to do this at this point, if you can. This will use the `Templates ` from your selected :guilabel:`Account Template` and create things like a Chart of `Accounts `, the `Account Types ` used to generate the balance sheet and income statements, and appropriate `Taxes `, `Tax Codes `, and `Tax Rules ` to go with them. .. tip:: If skipped running the *Create Chart* wizard you can always run it later from its main menu item. .. _Creating a fiscal year: Creating a fiscal year ====================== In order to be able to record any of your company's transactions in Tryton you must first create a :ref:`Fiscal Year `. This is because every account move happens during an accounting :ref:`Period `, and each period belongs to a fiscal year. You can create a new `Fiscal Year ` from the [:menuselection:`Financial --> Configuration --> Fiscal Years --> Fiscal Years`] main menu item. .. tip:: The start and end of a fiscal year may align with a calendar year (1 January to 31 December) in which case it is common to use the year as its name. It is not essential that a fiscal year and calendar year align, in fact a fiscal year may be longer or shorter than a calendar year, depending on your country's legal requirements and financial reporting standards. Once you have filled in the required information the `Create Periods ` wizard allows you to create a set of standard `Periods `. You should choose an appropriate period length for your `Company `, bearing in mind some reports are generated based on periods, and periods allow you to build up your accounts in smaller chunks. .. tip:: Tryton also provides easy ways of `Creating additional fiscal years`.