
Accounting configuration, data, and reports are found under the [Financial] main menu item.

Creating additional fiscal years#

You will need a different Fiscal Year for each year that you want to record accounting transactions.

You can create these in the same way as you created your initial fiscal year.


An alternative, and often simpler, way of creating a new fiscal year is to use the Renew Fiscal Year wizard.

Creating journal entries#

In Tryton journal entries are represented by Account Moves. With the right modules activated Tryton will automatically create many of the account moves for you. However, there are times when you will need to manually move amounts from one Account to another. You do this by using the items found under the [Financial ‣ Entries] main menu item.

One-off entries#

For entries that are only needed once, for example to set an account’s initial opening balance, you can manually create an Account Move.

The [Financial ‣ Entries ‣ Open Journal] main menu item provides another way of entering the details of an account move. It provides a list of individual Account Move Lines, which can be added to as required.

Reoccurring entries#

The best way to create accounting entries for things that are expected to happen more than once is to use an Account Move Template.

You must first create the Account Move Template and set it up to ask for the things that might change each time it is used.

You then run the Create Move from Template wizard to create account moves based on a template of your choice.

Viewing journal entries#

In Tryton there are plenty of different ways of getting information about the journal entries that record your Company’s accounting transactions.

Each journal entry is represented by an Account Move. These account moves, and the Account Move Lines that make them up, can be found by:


Account moves that are created by, or relate to, other documents or items on you Tryton system can also often be found from those documents or items.

Viewing your chart of accounts data#

The [Financial ‣ Reporting -> Chart of Accounts] provides a structured view of all the Accounts that form your Company’s accounts.


Each account can be opened to show the Account Move Lines that contributed to the debits and credits shown for that account.

Viewing your tax code data#

From [Financial ‣ Reporting -> Chart of Tax Codes] you are able to see data about what Taxes have been applied and what amounts these were based on. The Tax Codes are normally structured so that you can find the data that you need to do your tax reporting.


Each tax code can be opened to show the Tax Lines that contribute to the tax code’s amount.

Using the general ledger#

Opening the [Financial ‣ Reporting ‣ General Ledger] main menu item shows a list of the General Ledger Accounts.

You select the Fiscal Year and optionally the starting and ending Periods, or dates, to see data for a specific time period.

Each general ledger account can be opened to provide a breakdown of the items in that account. This breakdown can be done to a Party or Account Move Line level.

A General Ledger report, and a Trial Balance can also be printed from here.


If you are only interested in accounts which have debits or credits you can use the filter to get a list of these by entering:

Debit: !0 or Credit: !0

Note: You should replace Debit and Credit with the correct names used in the language you are using Tryton in.

Using the balance sheet#

The [Financial ‣ Reporting ‣ Balance Sheet] shows the Company’s assets and liabilities for the chosen date.

You can use the Comparison checkbox to do a comparison of the company’s data for two different dates.

Opening a line from the balance sheet lists the Accounts that were included in the balance sheet’s line. You can then open these accounts to get a list of the individual Account Move Lines that made up that account’s debits and credits.

Using the income statement#

The [Financial ‣ Reporting ‣ Income Statement] shows the Company’s revenue and expenses for the chosen period of time.

You can use the Comparison checkbox to do a comparison of the company’s data for two different periods of time.

Opening a line from the income statement lists the Accounts that were included in the income statement’s line. You can then open these accounts to get a breakdown of the amount to a Party or Account Move Line level.

Getting aged balances#

You can get an Aged Balance for both suppliers and customers.

You can change what unit of time is used for the terms, and length of each term, to suit you needs.

You can also print a copy of the aged balances by using the Aged Balance report.

Reconciling accounts#

In Tryton account reconciliation is a process that matches up debits and credit in an Account which balance out to zero.

This allows you to easily see, for example, which payments were for which transactions, and which things still need to be paid for. Any Reconciliation that an Account Move Line is part of is shown by the account move line’s Reconciliation field.

The Reconcile Accounts wizard is used to manually run this account reconciliation.


Some other processes in Tryton will automatically reconcile account move lines when appropriate.

Closing a period#

To help you keep your accounts tidy, and help you avoid errors, Tryton lets you close each of your Company’s accounting Periods as soon as they are finished.

Check everything is ready#

Before you go ahead and close the period it is a good idea to check that you have recorded all the transactions related to the period in Tryton. This includes any Account Moves that are needed for things like prepayments, accruals or depreciation. You may also want to check that things like bank balances reconcile, and account moves have been posted.


If you are not ready to close the period, but want to restrict which Journals are still open then you can partially close a period. In Tryton this is done by using the [Financial ‣ Processing ‣ Close Journals - Periods] main menu item.

Close the period#

Once you are happy everything seems to be okay you use the [Financial ‣ Processing ‣ Close Periods] main menu item to close the period.


Many companies will also have their own additional processes which need to be run at period end. These may include things like generating reports, and reporting taxes.


If you need to make changes to a closed period, you can reopen it if it is not locked.

To reopen a closed period use the [Financial ‣ Processing ‣ Close Periods] menu item. To find a closed period, you will need to clear the filter so that all the periods are listed, not just the open ones.

Closing a fiscal year#

There are several steps you need to follow in order to close a Fiscal Year in Tryton.

Check everything is ready#

To help you prepare to close the fiscal year you will often want to first ensure all its Periods are closed, by following your normal procedures for Closing a period.

Now is also a good time to double check that you haven’t forgotten anything, and ensure that there are no obvious errors, or anomalies.

Reset non-deferral accounts#

Next, you need to move the balances of all the non-deferral Accounts (also known as nominal or temporary accounts) to an appropriate deferral account (also known as real or permanent account). The best way to do this is to use the Balance Non-Deferral wizard.


When using the balance non-deferral wizard, you should create an adjustment period for the year end closing entries. It is best practice to use the last day of the fiscal year as both the start and end date for this period.


The first time you use the balance non-deferral wizard, you may need to create a special Situation Journal for the year end closing entries.

Create other year end entries#

With the initial closing entries created you can now go ahead and create any other moves that are required by the accounting processes of your country. These will be moves for things like taxes on revenue, dividends, and so on. When creating these you may want to use the adjustment period you used in the last step.

Close the fiscal year#

Finally once all the year end and closing moves have been posted you can close the fiscal year from the [Financial ‣ Processing ‣ Close Fiscal Year] menu item.

Making changes to the accounts structure#

When you’ve created your Company’s accounts structure from a template you can extend it without needing to do anything special.

If you want to change any of the Accounts, Account Types, Taxes, Tax Codes, and Tax Rules that were created from the Template then you need to use the Override Template option on the items you want to change.


Items where you have overridden the template will not be changed when you are Updating the accounts structure.

Updating the accounts structure#

If you created your Company’s accounts structure from a template you will find that the template is occasionally updated or improved to match any updated accounting requirements.

To bring these changes into your accounts structure you use the Update Chart wizard.


Any items where you have overridden the template will not be changed.