***** Usage ***** .. _Activating cost prices per warehouse: Activating cost prices per warehouse ==================================== In order to calculate and see `Product ` cost prices per warehouse, the :guilabel:`Cost Price Warehouse` option must be checked in the `Product Configuration `. Any `Storage Locations ` that are not under a `Warehouse ` also need linking to a cost warehouse. You must also ensure that the `Scheduled Task ` that recalculates the cost prices is configured to run for each different warehouse. .. note:: Once you have activated the cost prices per warehouse if you then want to deactivate it you may need to manually run a recalculation of all the products' cost prices. .. _Viewing product cost prices: Viewing product cost prices =========================== With this module activated each `Product's ` cost price is shown based on your current `Company ` and `Warehouse `. These can be updated in your user preferences. .. _Moving stock between warehouses: Moving stock between warehouses =============================== If you have checked the :guilabel:`Cost Price Warehouse` option, then to move stock between different `Warehouses ` you must always use a transit `Location `.