Project Module ############## The Project module provides the concepts of project and task and the basis for simple project management. Work Effort *********** The Work Effort model is used for creating both projects and tasks. This allows for instance to transform a task into a project if it gets bigger and need to be split. The following fields are defined on the model: - Name: The name of the Project/Task. - Type: Can be *Project* or *Task*. - Status: The current status of the work. - Parent and Children: Define the tree structure of projects and tasks. - Party and Party Address: The optional party (and the contact address) for which the project is made. Available on projects. - Timesheet, start and end: Allow to enter timesheet for this work. - Effort: The estimated effort of a task. - Total Effort: Available on projects. Gives the total effort of the sub-tasks (I.E. tasks of the project and tasks of the sub-projects) of the current project. - Progress: The progression on the task. - Total Progress: Gives the total of progress of the sub-tasks. - Comment: A description. Work Status *********** The Work Status defines the possible status of projects and tasks. A minimal progress can be defined to enforce on works in this status.