.. _Listing customers: Listing customers ================= In Tryton, by definition, the `Parties ` that have bought `Products ` from your `Company ` are its customers. The *Sale Module* lets you get a list of these from the [:menuselection:`Parties --> Parties --> Associated to Sales`] main menu item. .. tip:: For some companies it is important to know which parties are, or may eventually be, customers before they have bought anything. One way you can do this is to create a ``Customer`` `Category `, and add all the appropriate parties to it. .. _Making products salable: Making products salable ======================= Before you can add a `Product ` to a `Sale ` it must be marked as salable. When you do this you will also be able to set some additional properties such as the `Unit of Measure ` the product is normally sold in and how long it normally takes before the product can be delivered. .. _Finding sale prices and availability: Finding sale prices and availability ==================================== Before making a `Sale ` it is sometimes useful to know how much of a `Product ` is available, and what the sale price will be. You can get a list of this information for the salable products by using the [:menuselection:`Sales --> Salable Products`] main menu item. The `Sale Context ` allows you to adjust the various parameters that can effect stock availability and price, such as which `Warehouse ` will be supplying the product, who the customer is and how much they want to buy. .. tip:: As with all Tryton data you can export this list to a :abbr:`CSV (Comma Separated Value)` file by using the form's :guilabel:`Export` menu item.