Stock Package Shipping Module

Stock Package Shipping Module#

This module is the base module required to interact with shipping service providers.


The Carrier model adds the following field:

  • Shipping Service: The shipping service of the carrier.

This field is programmatically filled by the modules providing support for shipping companies.

Package Type#

The Package Type model has been added the following fields:

  • Length: The length of the packages of this type

  • Length Unit: The unit of measure of this length

  • Length Digits: The precision of length

  • Height: The height of the packages of this type

  • Height Unit: The unit of measure of this height

  • Height Digits: The precision of height

  • Width: The width of the packages of this type

  • Width Unit: The unit of measure of this width

  • Width Digits: The precision of width


The Package model has been added the following fields:

  • Shipping Reference: The shipping reference provided by the shipping service

  • Shipping Label: The shipping label provided by the shipping service

  • Weight: A function field computing the weight of the package with its content

Shipment Out#

The Shipment Out model will check once in the Packed state if the shipment is a valid shipment for the shipping service. He does that by calling a method that is by convention named validate_packing_<shipping service>.

Once a shipment is packed, the user can create the shipping for each packages with the shipping service by clicking on the Create Shipping button. This button triggers a wizard that is overridden in shipping service specific modules. The starting state of the wizard is a StateTransition. Its linked method is overridden in shipping service modules in order to communicate with the service.