.. _model-stock.period: Period ====== In Tryton a stock *Period* is used to group together the all stock moves that happened up to a specific date and that were also done after the date of any previous stock *Period*. This allows the stock levels for the `Products ` in all stock `Locations ` to be calculated for the date of the period, and stored in the `Stock Period Cache `. These cached values can then be used, where applicable, instead of having to recalculate them each time they are needed. .. seealso:: The periods can be viewed and managed from the main menu item: |Inventory & Stock --> Configuration --> Periods|__ .. |Inventory & Stock --> Configuration --> Periods| replace:: :menuselection:`Inventory & Stock --> Configuration --> Periods` __ https://demo.tryton.org/model/stock.period .. _model-stock.period.cache: Period Cache ============ The *Period Cache* is used to store the quantities of a product in a particular location on the date defined by its `Period `.