.. _ref-models: .. module:: trytond.model ===== Model ===== .. class:: Model([id[, \**kwargs]]) This is the base class that every kind of :ref:`model ` inherits. It defines common attributes of all models. Class attributes are: .. attribute:: Model.__name__ It contains the a unique name to reference the model throughout the platform. .. attribute:: Model.__access__ A set that contains the names of relation field for which the access rights are also checked for this model. .. attribute:: Model.__rpc__ It contains a dictionary with method name as key and an instance of :class:`trytond.rpc.RPC` as value. .. attribute:: Model._rec_name It contains the name of the field used as name of records. The default value is 'name'. .. attribute:: Model.id The definition of the field ``id`` of records. .. attribute:: Model.__queue__ It returns a queue caller for the model. The called method will be pushed into the queue. .. attribute:: Model._fields It contains a dictionary with the field name as key and its :class:`~trytond.model.field` instance as value. .. attribute:: Model._record It stores the record class to store internaly the values of the instances. .. attribute:: Model._defaults It contains a dictionary with the field name as key and its default method as value. Class methods: .. classmethod:: Model.__setup__() Setup the class before adding into the :class:`trytond.pool.Pool`. .. classmethod:: Model.__post_setup__() Setup the class after added into the :class:`trytond.pool.Pool`. .. classmethod:: Model.__register__(module_name) Registers the model in ``ir.model`` and ``ir.model.field``. .. classmethod:: Model.default_get(fields_names[, with_rec_name]) Returns a dictionary with the default values for each field in ``fields_names``. Default values are defined by the returned value of each instance method with the pattern ``default_`field_name`()``. ``with_rec_name`` allow to add ``rec_name`` value for each many2one field. The ``default_rec_name`` key in the context can be used to define the value of the :attr:`Model._rec_name` field. .. classmethod:: Model.fields_get([fields_names[, level]]) Return the definition of each field on the model. The ``level`` defines the number of relations to include in the relation field definition. .. classmethod:: Model.__names__([field]) Returns a dictionary with the name of the ``model`` and the ``field``. It is a convenience-method used to format messages which should include those names. Instance methods: .. method:: Model.pre_validate() This method is called by the client to validate the instance. ========= ModelView ========= .. class:: ModelView It adds requirements to display a view of the model in the client. Class attributes: .. attribute:: ModelView._buttons It contains a dictionary with button name as key and the states dictionary for the button. The states possible keys are ``invisible``, ``readonly`` and ``icon`` which have a :class:`~trytond.pyson.PYSON` statement as value and ``depends`` which has a list of field names on which the button states depend. The keys will be set as default attributes on the buttons for the views that show them. Static methods: .. staticmethod:: ModelView.button Decorate button method to check group access and rule. .. staticmethod:: ModelView.button_action(action) Same as :meth:`ModelView.button` but return the action id of the XML ``id`` action or the action value updated by the returned value of the method. .. staticmethod:: ModelView.button_change([\*fields[, methods]]) Same as :meth:`ModelView.button` but for button that change values of the fields on client side (similar to :ref:`on_change `). The `methods` argument can be used to duplicate the field names from other decorated methods. This is useful if the decorated method calls another method. .. warning:: Only on instance methods. Class methods: .. classmethod:: ModelView.fields_view_get([view_id[, view_type[, level]]]) Return a view definition used by the client. The definition is:: { 'model': model name, 'type': view type, 'view_id': view id, 'arch': XML description, 'fields': { field name: { ... }, }, 'field_childs': field for tree, } .. classmethod:: ModelView.view_toolbar_get() Returns the model specific actions and exports in a dictionary with keys: - ``print``: a list of available reports - ``action``: a list of available actions - ``relate``: a list of available relations - ``exports``: a list of available exports .. classmethod:: ModelView.view_attributes() Returns a list of XPath, attribute, value and an optional depends list. Each element from the XPath will get the attribute set with the JSON encoded value. If the depends list is set its fields are added to the view if the xpath matches at least one element. .. classmethod:: ModelView.parse_view(tree, type[, field_children[, level[, view_depends]]]) Return the sanitized XML and the corresponding fields definition. .. note:: This method is public mainly to allow modification the existing XML of the view by code. Instance methods .. method:: Model.on_change(fieldnames) Returns the list of changes by calling ``on_change`` method of each field. .. method:: Model.on_change_with(fieldnames) Returns the new values of all fields by calling ``on_change_with`` method of each field. ============ ModelStorage ============ .. class:: ModelStorage It adds storage capability. Class attributes are: .. attribute:: ModelStorage.create_uid The definition of the :class:`trytond.model.fields.Many2One` field :attr:`create_uid` of records. It contains the :attr:`id` of the user who creates the record. .. attribute:: ModelStorage.create_date The definition of the :class:`trytond.model.fields.DateTime` field :attr:`create_date` of records. It contains the datetime of the creation of the record. .. attribute:: ModelStorage.write_uid The definition of the :class:`trytond.model.fields.Many2One` field :attr:`write_uid` of the records. It contains the :attr:`id` of the last user who writes on the record. .. attribute:: ModelStorage.write_date The definition of the :class:`trytond.model.fields.DateTime` field :attr:`write_date` of the records. It contains the datetime of the last write on the record. .. attribute:: ModelStorage.rec_name The definition of the :class:`trytond.model.fields.Function` field :attr:`rec_name`. It is used in the client to display the records with a single string. Static methods: .. staticmethod:: ModelStorage.default_create_uid() Return the default value for :attr:`create_uid`. .. staticmethod:: ModelStorage.default_create_date() Return the default value for :attr:`create_date`. Class methods: .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.create(vlist) Create records. ``vlist`` is list of dictionaries with fields names as key and created values as value and return the list of new instances. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.trigger_create(records) Trigger create actions. It will call actions defined in ``ir.trigger`` if ``on_create`` is set and ``condition`` is true. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.read(ids, fields_names) Return a list of dictionary for the record ids. The dictionary is composed of the fields as key and their values. ``fields_names`` can contain dereferenced fields from related models. Their values will be returned under the referencing field suffixed by a ``.``. The number of *dots* in the name is not limited. The order of the returned list is not guaranteed. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.write(records, values, [[records, values], ...]) Write ``values`` on the list of records. ``values`` is a dictionary with fields names as key and writen values as value. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.trigger_write_get_eligibles(records) Return eligible records for write actions by triggers. This dictionary is to pass to :meth:`~ModelStorage.trigger_write`. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.trigger_write(eligibles) Trigger write actions. It will call actions defined in ``ir.trigger`` if ``on_write`` is set and ``condition`` was false before :meth:`~ModelStorage.write` and true after. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.index_set_field(name) Return the index sort order of the field set calls. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.delete(records) Delete records. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.trigger_delete(records) Trigger delete actions. It will call actions defined in ``ir.trigger`` if ``on_delete`` is set and ``condition`` is true. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.copy(records[, default]) Duplicate the records. ``default`` is a dictionary of default value per field name for the created records. The values of ``default`` may be also callable that take a dictionary containing the fields and values of the record copied and return of the value. The keys of ``default`` may use the dotted notation for the :class:`fields.One2Many` to define the default to pass to its ``copy`` operation. New records are returned following the input order. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.search(domain[, offset[, limit[, order[, count]]]]) Return a list of records that match the :ref:`domain `. If ``offset`` or ``limit`` are set, the result starts at the offset and has the length of the limit. The ``order`` is a list of tuples defining the order of the result: [ ('field name', 'ASC'), ('other field name', 'DESC'), ... ] The first element of the tuple is a field name of the model and the second is the sort ordering as ``ASC`` for ascending, ``DESC`` for descending or empty for a default order. This second element may contain 'NULLS FIRST' or 'NULLS LAST' to sort null values before or after non-null values. If neither is specified the default behavior of the backend is used. In case the field used is a :class:`fields.Many2One`, it is also possible to use the dotted notation to sort on a specific field from the target record. Or for a :class:`fields.Dict` field, the dotted notation is used to sort on the key's value. If ``count`` is set to ``True``, then the result is the number of records. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.search_count(domain) Return the number of records that match the :ref:`domain `. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.search_read(domain[, offset[, limit[, order[, fields_names]]]]) Call :meth:`search` and :meth:`read` at once. Useful for the client to reduce the number of calls. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.search_rec_name(name, clause) Searcher for the :class:`trytond.model.fields.Function` field :attr:`rec_name`. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.search_global(cls, text) Yield tuples (record, name, icon) for records matching text. It is used for the global search. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.browse(ids) Return a list of record instance for the ``ids``. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.export_data(records, fields_names) Return a list of list of values for each ``records``. The list of values follows ``fields_names``. Relational fields are defined with ``/`` at any depth. Descriptor on fields are available by appending ``.`` and the name of the method on the field that returns the descriptor. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.export_data_domain(domain, fields_names[, offset[, limit[, order]]]) Call :meth:`search` and :meth`export_data` together. Useful for the client to reduce the number of calls and the data transfered. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.import_data(fields_names, data) Create or update records for all values in ``data``. The field names of values must be defined in ``fields_names``. It returns the number of imported records. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.check_xml_record(records, values) Verify if the records are originating from XML data. It is used to prevent modification of data coming from XML files. This method must be overiden to change this behavior. .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.validate(records) Validate the integrity of records after creation and modification. This method must be overridden to add validation and must raise an exception if validation fails. Dual methods: .. classmethod:: ModelStorage.save(records) Save the modification made on the records. Instance methods: .. method:: ModelStorage.resources() Return a dictionary with the number of attachments (``attachment_count``), notes (``note_count``) and unread note (``note_unread``). .. method:: ModelStorage.get_rec_name(name) Getter for the :class:`trytond.model.fields.Function` field :attr:`rec_name`. ======== ModelSQL ======== .. class:: ModelSQL It implements :class:`ModelStorage` for an SQL database. Class attributes are: .. attribute:: ModelSQL._table The name of the database table which is mapped to the class. If not set, the value of :attr:`Model._name` is used with dots converted to underscores. .. attribute:: ModelSQL._order The default ``order`` parameter of :meth:`ModelStorage.search` method. .. attribute:: ModelSQL._order_name The name of the field (or an SQL statement) on which the records must be sorted when sorting on a field refering to the model. If not set, :attr:`ModelStorage._rec_name` will be used. .. attribute:: ModelSQL._history If true, all changes on records will be stored in a history table. .. attribute:: ModelSQL._sql_constraints A list of SQL constraints that are added on the table: [ ('constraint name', constraint, 'xml id'), ... ] - ``constraint name`` is the name of the SQL constraint in the database - constraint is an instance of :class:`Constraint` - message id for :meth:`trytond.i18n.gettext` Class methods: .. classmethod:: ModelSQL.__table__() Return a SQL Table instance for the Model. .. classmethod:: ModelSQL.__table_history__() Return a SQL Table instance for the history of Model. .. classmethod:: ModelSQL.__table_handler__([module_name[, history]]) Return a TableHandler for the Model. .. classmethod:: ModelSQL.table_query() Could be defined to use a custom SQL query instead of a table of the database. It should return a SQL FromItem. .. warning:: By default all CRUD operation will raise an error on models implementing this method so the create, write and delete methods may also been overriden if needed. .. .. classmethod:: ModelSQL.history_revisions(ids) Return a sorted list of all revisions for ids. The list is composed of the date, id and username of the revision. .. classmethod:: ModelSQL.restore_history(ids, datetime) Restore the record ids from history at the specified date time. Restoring a record will still generate an entry in the history table. .. warning:: No access rights are verified and the records are not validated. .. .. classmethod:: ModelSQL.restore_history_before(ids, datetime) Restore the record ids from history before the specified date time. Restoring a record will still generate an entry in the history table. .. warning:: No access rights are verified and the records are not validated. .. .. classmethod:: ModelSQL.search(domain[, offset[, limit[, order[, count[, query]]]]]) Same as :meth:`ModelStorage.search` with the additional ``query`` argument. If ``query`` is set to ``True``, the the result is the SQL query. .. classmethod:: ModelSQL.search_domain(domain[, active_test[, tables]]) Convert a :ref:`domain ` into a SQL expression by returning the updated tables dictionary and a SQL expression. .. _ref-tables: Where ``tables`` is a nested dictionary containing the existing joins:: { None: (, None), 'party': { None: (
, ), 'addresses': { None: (
, ), }, }, } Dual methods: .. classmethod:: ModelSQL.lock(records) Take a lock for update on the records. Constraint ========== .. class:: Constraint(table) It represents a SQL constraint on a table of the database and it follows the API of the python-sql expression. Instance attributes: .. attribute:: Constraint.table The SQL Table on which the constraint is defined. Check ----- .. class:: Check(table, expression) It represents a check :class:`Constraint` which enforce the validity of the expression. Instance attributes: .. attribute:: Check.expression The SQL expression to check. Unique ------ .. class:: Unique(table, \*columns) It represents a unique :class:`Constraint` which enforce the uniqeness of the group of columns with respect to all the rows in the table. Instance attributes: .. attribute:: Unique.columns The tuple of SQL Column instances. .. attribute:: Unique.operators The tuple of ``Equal`` operators. Exclude ------- .. class:: Exclude(table[, (expression, operator), ...[, where]]) It represents an exclude :class:`Constraint` which guarantees that if any two rows are compared on the specified expression using the specified operator not all of these comparisons will return ``TRUE``. Instance attributes: .. attribute:: Exclude.excludes The tuple of expression and operator. .. attribute:: Exclude.columns The tuple of expressions. .. attribute:: Exclude.operators The tuple of operators. .. attribute:: Exclude.where The clause for which the exclusion applies. ======== Workflow ======== .. class:: Workflow A Mix-in class to handle transition check. Class attribute: .. attribute:: Workflow._transition_state The name of the field that will be used to check state transition. .. attribute:: Workflow._transitions A set containing tuples of from and to state. Static methods: .. staticmethod:: Workflow.transition(state) Decorate method to filter ids for which the transition is valid and finally to update the state of the filtered ids. ============== ModelSingleton ============== .. class:: ModelSingleton Modify :class:`ModelStorage` into a singleton_. This means that there will be only one record of this model. It is commonly used to store configuration value. .. _singleton: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singleton_pattern Class methods: .. classmethod:: ModelSingleton.get_singleton() Return the instance of the unique record if there is one. =============== DictSchemaMixin =============== .. class:: DictSchemaMixin A mixin_ for the schema of :class:`trytond.model.fields.Dict` field. Class attributes are: .. attribute:: DictSchemaMixin.name The definition of the :class:`trytond.model.fields.Char` field for the name of the key. .. attribute:: DictSchemaMixin.string The definition of the :class:`trytond.model.fields.Char` field for the string of the key. .. attribute:: DictSchemaMixin.help The definition of the :class:`trytond.model.fields.Char` field used as the help text for the key. .. attribute:: DictSchemaMixin.type\_ The definition of the :class:`trytond.model.fields.Selection` field for the type of the key. The available types are: * boolean * integer * char * float * numeric * date * datetime * selection .. attribute:: DictSchemaMixin.digits The definition of the :class:`trytond.model.fields.Integer` field for the digits number when the type is ``float`` or ``numeric``. .. attribute:: DictSchemaMixin.domain A :ref:`domain ` constraint on the dictionary key that will be enforced only on the client side. The key must be referenced by its name in the left operator of the domain. The :ref:`PYSON ` evaluation context used to compute the domain is the dictionary value. Likewise the domain is tested using the dictionary value. .. attribute:: DictSchemaMixin.selection The definition of the :class:`trytond.model.fields.Text` field to store the couple of key and label when the type is ``selection``. The format is a key/label separated by ":" per line. .. attribute:: DictSchemaMixin.selection_sorted If the :attr:`selection` must be sorted on label by the client. .. attribute:: DictSchemaMixin.selection_json The definition of the :class:`trytond.model.fields.Function` field to return the JSON_ version of the :attr:`selection`. Static methods: .. staticmethod:: DictSchemaMixin.default_digits() Return the default value for :attr:`digits`. Class methods: .. classmethod:: DictSchemaMixin.get_keys(records) Return the definition of the keys for the records. .. classmethod:: DictSchemaMixin.get_relation_fields() Return a dictionary with the field definition of all the keys like the result of :meth:`Model.fields_get`. It is possible to disable this method (returns an empty dictionary) by setting in the ``dict`` section of the configuration, the :attr:`Model.__name__` to ``False``. Instance methods: .. method:: DictSchemaMixin.get_selection_json(name) Getter for the :attr:`selection_json`. ========== MatchMixin ========== .. class:: MatchMixin A mixin_ to add to a :class:`Model` a match method on pattern. The pattern is a dictionary with field name as key and the value to compare. The record matches the pattern if for all dictionary entries, the value of the record is equal or not defined. Instance methods: .. method:: MatchMixin.match(pattern[, match_none]) Return if the instance match the pattern. If ``match_none`` is set ``None`` value of the instance will be compared. ========== UnionMixin ========== .. class:: UnionMixin A mixin_ to create a :class:`ModelSQL` which is the UNION_ of some :class:`ModelSQL`'s. The ids of each models are sharded to be unique. Static methods: .. staticmethod:: UnionMixin.union_models() Return the list of :class:`ModelSQL`'s names Class methods: .. classmethod:: UnionMixin.union_shard(column, model) Return a SQL expression that shards the column containing record id of model name. .. classmethod:: UnionMixin.union_unshard(record_id) Return the original instance of the record for the sharded id. .. classmethod:: UnionMixin.union_column(name, field, table, Model) Return the SQL column that corresponds to the field on the union model. .. classmethod:: UnionMixin.union_columns(model) Return the SQL table and columns to use for the UNION for the model name. =========== SymbolMixin =========== .. class:: SymbolMixin A mixin_ to manage the display of symbols on the client side. Instance methods: .. method:: SymbolMixin.get_symbol(sign, [symbol]) Return a symbol and its position. The position indicates whether the symbol should appear before (0) or after (1) the value. If no symbol parameter is supplied then the mixin uses the value of attribute named ``symbol``. ================ sequence_ordered ================ .. method:: sequence_ordered([field_name, [field_label, [order]]]) Retuns a mixin_ class which defines the order of a :class:`ModelSQL` with an :class:`trytond.model.fields.Integer` field. field_name indicates the name of the field to be created and its default values is ``sequence``. field_label defines the label which will be used by the field and defaults to ``Sequence``. Order specifies the order direction and defaults to ``ASC NULLS FIRST``. =============== MultiValueMixin =============== .. class:: MultiValueMixin A mixin_ for :class:`Model` to help having :class:`trytond.model.fields.MultiValue` fields with multi-values on a :class:`ValueMixin`. The values are stored by creating one record per pattern. The patterns are the same as those on :class:`MatchMixin`. Class methods: .. classmethod:: MultiValueMixin.multivalue_model(field) Return the :class:`ValueMixin` on which the values are stored for the field name. The default is class name suffixed by the field name. .. classmethod:: MultiValueMixin.setter_multivalue(records, name, value, \*\*pattern) The setter method for the :class:`trytond.model.fields.Function` fields. Instance methods: .. method:: MultiValueMixin.multivalue_records(field) Return the list of all :class:`ValueMixin` records linked to the instance. By default, it returns the value of the first found :class:`trytond.model.fields.One2Many` linked to the multivalue model or all the records of this one. .. method:: MultiValueMixin.multivalue_record(field, \*\*pattern) Return a new record of :class:`ValueMixin` linked to the instance. .. method:: MultiValueMixin.get_multivalue(name, \*\*pattern) Return the value of the field ``name`` for the pattern. .. method:: MultiValueMixin.set_multivalue(name, value[, save], \*\*pattern) Store the value of the field ``name`` for the pattern. If ``save`` is true, it will be stored in the database, otherwise the modified :class:`ValueMixin` records are returned unsaved. ``save`` is true by default. .. warning:: To customize the pattern, both methods must be override the same way. .. ========== ValueMixin ========== .. class:: ValueMixin A mixin_ to store the values of :class:`MultiValueMixin`. ================ DeactivableMixin ================ .. class:: DeactivableMixin A mixin_ to add soft deletion to the model. It renders all the fields as read-only when the record is inactive. Class attributes are: .. attribute:: DictSchemaMixin.active The definition of the :class:`trytond.model.fields.Boolean` field to store soft deletion state. False values will be consideres as soft deletion. .. _mixin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixin .. _JSON: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Json .. _UNION: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_(SQL)#UNION_operator ==== tree ==== .. method:: tree([parent[, name[, separator]]]) Returns a mixin_ class :class:`TreeMixin`. ``parent`` indicates the name of the field that defines the parent of the tree and its default value is ``parent``. ``name`` indicates the name of the field that defines the name of the record and its default value is ``name``. If ``separator`` is set, the :meth:`ModelStorage.get_rec_name` constructs the name by concatenating each parent names using it as separator and :meth:`ModelStorage.search_rec_name` is adapted to search across the tree. .. class:: TreeMixin .. classmethod:: TreeMixin.check_recursion(records) Helper method that checks if there is no recursion in the tree defined by :meth:`tree`. ============ avatar_mixin ============ .. method:: avatar_mixin([size[, default]]) Returns a mixin_ :class:`AvatarMixin`. ``size`` defines the size of the avatar image and its default value is ``64``. ``default`` indicates the name of the field to use for generating a default avatar, if it's not set then no default avatar is generated. .. class:: AvatarMixin .. attribute:: AvatarMixin.avatars The :class:`trytond.model.fields.One2Many` field used to store the ``ir.avatar`` records. .. attribute:: AvatarMixin.avatar The :class:`trytond.model.fields.Binary` field that contains the avatar. .. attribute:: AvatarMixin.avatar_url The :class:`trytond.model.fields.Char` field that containts the URL for the avatar. .. attribute:: AvatarMixin.has_avatar Indicates whether the record has an avatar. .. classmethod:: AvatarMixin.generate_avatar(records, field) Generate a default avatar for each record using the field.