.. _topics-configuration: ============================= Configuration file for Tryton ============================= The configuration file controls some aspects of the behavior of Tryton. The file uses a simple ini-file format. It consists of sections, led by a ``[section]`` header and followed by ``name = value`` entries: .. highlight:: ini :: [database] uri = postgresql://user:password@localhost/ path = /var/lib/trytond For more information see ConfigParser_. .. _ConfigParser: http://docs.python.org/2/library/configparser.html The default value of any option can be changed using environment variables with names using this syntax: ``TRYTOND_
__``. Sections ======== This section describes the different main sections that may appear in a Tryton configuration file, the purpose of each section, its possible keys, and their possible values. Some modules could request the usage of other sections for which the guideline asks them to be named like their module. web --- Defines the behavior of the web interface. listen ~~~~~~ Defines the couple of host (or IP address) and port number separated by a colon to listen on. Default ``localhost:8000`` hostname ~~~~~~~~ Defines the hostname to use when generating a URL when there is no request context available, for example during a cron job. root ~~~~ Defines the root path served by ``GET`` requests. Default: Under the ``www`` directory of user's home running ``trytond``. num_proxies ~~~~~~~~~~~ The number of proxy servers in front of ``trytond``. Default: 0 cache_timeout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The cache timeout in seconds. Default: 12h cors ~~~~ The list (one per line) of origins allowed for `Cross-Origin Resource sharing `_. avatar_base ~~~~~~~~~~~ The base URL without a path for avatar URL. Default: ``''`` .. note:: It can be used to setup a CDN. avatar_timeout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The time in seconds that the avatar can be stored in cache. Default: 7 days database -------- Defines how the database is managed. uri ~~~ Contains the URI to connect to the SQL database. The URI follows the RFC-3986_. The typical form is: database://username:password@host:port/?param1=value1¶m2=value2 The parameters are database dependent, check the database documentation for a list of valid parameters. Default: The value of the environment variable ``TRYTOND_DATABASE_URI`` or ``sqlite://`` if not set. The available databases are: PostgreSQL ********** ``psycopg2`` supports two type of connections: - TCP/IP connection: ``postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/`` - Unix domain connection: ``postgresql://username:password@/`` Please refer to `psycopg2 for the complete specification of the URI `_. A list of parameters supported by PostgreSQL can be found in the `documentation `_. SQLite ****** The URI is defined as ``sqlite://`` If the name of the database is ``:memory:``, the parameter ``mode`` will be set to ``memory`` thus using a pure in-memory database. The recognized query parameters can be found in SQLite's `documentation `_. path ~~~~ The directory where Tryton stores files and so the user running ``trytond`` must have write access on this directory. Default: The ``db`` folder under the user home directory running ``trytond``. list ~~~~ A boolean value to list available databases. Default: ``True`` retry ~~~~~ The number of retries when a database operational error occurs during a request. Default: ``5`` language ~~~~~~~~ The main language of the database that will be used for storage in the main table for translations. Default: ``en`` avatar_filestore ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This configuration value indicates whether the avatars should be stored in the :py:mod:`trytond.filestore` (``True``) or the database (``False``). Default: ``False`` avatar_prefix ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The prefix to use with the :ref:`FileStore ` to store avatars. Default: ``None`` default_name ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The name of the database to use for operations without a database name. Default: ``template1`` for PostgreSQL, ``:memory:`` for SQLite. request ------- max_size ~~~~~~~~ The maximum size in bytes of unauthenticated request (zero means no limit). Default: 2MB max_size_authenticated ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The maximum size in bytes of an authenticated request (zero means no limit). Default: 2GB cache ----- Defines size of various cache. model ~~~~~ The number of different model kept in the cache per transaction. Default: ``200`` record ~~~~~~ The number of record loaded kept in the cache of the list. It can be changed locally using the ``_record_cache_size`` key in :attr:`Transaction.context`. Default: ``2000`` field ~~~~~ The number of field to load with an ``eager`` :attr:`Field.loading`. Default: ``100`` clean_timeout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The minimum number of seconds between two cleanings of the cache. If the value is 0, the notification between processes will be done using channels if the back-end supports them. Default: ``300`` queue ----- worker ~~~~~~ Activate asynchronous processing of the tasks. Otherwise they are performed at the end of the requests. Default: ``False`` clean_days ~~~~~~~~~~ The number of days after which processed tasks are removed. Default: ``30`` table ----- This section allows to override the default generated table name for a :class:`ModelSQL`. The main goal is to bypass limitation on the name length of the database backend. For example:: [table] account.invoice.line = acc_inv_line account.invoice.tax = acc_inv_tax ssl --- Activates SSL_ on the web interface. .. note:: It is recommended to delegate the SSL support to a proxy. privatekey ~~~~~~~~~~ The path to the private key. certificate ~~~~~~~~~~~ The path to the certificate. .. tip:: Set only one of ``privatekey`` or ``certificate`` to ``true`` if the SSL is delegated. email ----- .. note:: Email settings can be tested with the ``trytond-admin`` command uri ~~~ The SMTP-URL_ to connect to the SMTP server which is extended to support SSL_ and STARTTLS_. The available protocols are: - ``smtp``: simple SMTP - ``smtp+tls``: SMTP with STARTTLS - ``smtps``: SMTP with SSL The uri accepts the following additional parameters: * ``local_hostname``: used as FQDN of the local host in the HELO/EHLO commands, if omited it will use the value of ``socket.getfqdn()``. * ``timeout``: A number of seconds used as timeout for blocking operations. A ``socket.timeout`` will be raised when exceeded. If omited the default timeout will be used. Default: ``smtp://localhost:25`` from ~~~~ Defines the default ``From`` address (using RFC-822_) for emails sent by Tryton. For example:: from: "Company Inc" session ------- authentications ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A comma separated list of the authentication methods to try when attempting to verify a user's identity. Each method is tried in turn, following the order of the list, until one succeeds. In order to allow `multi-factor authentication`_, individual methods can be combined together using a plus (``+``) symbol. Example:: authentications = password+sms,ldap By default, Tryton only supports the ``password`` method. This method compares the password entered by the user against a stored hash of the user's password. Other modules can define additional authentication methods, please refer to their documentation for more information. Default: ``password`` max_age ~~~~~~~ The time in seconds that a session stay valid. Default: ``2592000`` (30 days) timeout ~~~~~~~ The time in seconds without activity before the session is no more fresh. Default: ``300`` (5 minutes) max_attempt ~~~~~~~~~~~ The maximum authentication attempt before the server answers unconditionally ``Too Many Requests`` for any other attempts. The counting is done on all attempts over a period of ``timeout``. Default: ``5`` max_attempt_ip_network ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The maximum authentication attempt from the same network before the server answers unconditionally ``Too Many Requests`` for any other attempts. The counting is done on all attempts over a period of ``timeout``. Default: ``300`` ip_network_4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The network prefix to apply on IPv4 address for counting the authentication attempts. Default: ``32`` ip_network_6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The network prefix to apply on IPv6 address for counting the authentication attempts. Default: ``56`` password -------- length ~~~~~~ The minimal length required for the user password. Default: ``8`` forbidden ~~~~~~~~~ The path to a file containing one forbidden password per line. entropy ~~~~~~~ The ratio of non repeated characters for the user password. Default: ``0.75`` reset_timeout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The time in seconds until the reset password expires. Default: ``86400`` (24h) passlib ~~~~~~~ The path to the `INI file to load as CryptContext `_. If not path is set, Tryton will use the schemes ``bcrypt`` or ``pbkdf2_sha512``. Default: ``None`` attachment ---------- Defines how to store the attachments filestore ~~~~~~~~~ A boolean value to store attachment in the :ref:`FileStore `. Default: ``True`` store_prefix ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The prefix to use with the ``FileStore``. Default: ``None`` bus --- allow_subscribe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A boolean value to allow clients to subscribe to bus channels. Default: ``False`` url_host ~~~~~~~~ If set redirects bus requests to the host URL. long_polling_timeout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The time in seconds to keep the connection to the client opened when using long polling for bus messages Default: ``300`` cache_timeout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The number of seconds a message should be kept by the queue before being discarded. Default: ``300`` select_timeout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The timeout duration of the select call when listening on a channel. Default: ``5`` html ---- src ~~~ The URL pointing to `TinyMCE `_ editor. Default: ``https://cloud.tinymce.com/stable/tinymce.min.js`` plugins ~~~~~~~ The space separated list of TinyMCE plugins to load. It can be overridden for specific models and fields using the names: ``plugins--`` or ``plugins-``. Default: `` css ~~~ The JSON list of CSS files to load. It can be overridden for specific models and fields using the names: ``css--`` or ``css-``. Default: ``[]`` class ~~~~~ The class to add on the body. It can be overridden for specific models and fields using the names: ``class--`` or ``class-``. Default: ``''`` wsgi middleware --------------- The section lists the `WSGI middleware`_ class to load. Each middleware can be configured with a section named ``wsgi `` containing ``args`` and ``kwargs`` options. Example:: [wsgi middleware] ie = werkzeug.contrib.fixers.InternetExplorerFix [wsgi ie] kwargs={'fix_attach': False} .. _JSON-RPC: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON-RPC .. _XML-RPC: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML-RPC .. _RFC-3986: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986 .. _SMTP-URL: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-earhart-url-smtp-00 .. _RFC-822: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822 .. _SSL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Sockets_Layer .. _STARTTLS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STARTTLS .. _WSGI middleware: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Server_Gateway_Interface#Specification_overview .. _`multi-factor authentication`: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-factor_authentication