
The views are used to display records of an ModelView to the user.

In Tryton, ModelView can have several views. An action opens a window and defines which view to show.

The views are built from XML that is stored in the view directory of the module or in the databases thanks to the model ir.ui.view.

So generally, they are defined in xml files with this kind of xml where name is the name of the XML file in the view directory:

<record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_id">
    <field name="model">model name</field>
    <field name="type">type name</field>
    <!--field name="inherit" ref="inherit_view_id"/-->
    <!--field name="field_childs">field name</field-->
    <field name="name">view_name</field>

There are different types of views:

  • Form

  • Tree

  • List-Forms

  • Graph

  • Board

  • Calendar

Form view

The RNG describing the xml of a form view is stored in trytond/ir/ui/form.rng. There is also a RNC in trytond/ir/ui/form.rnc.

A form view is used to display one record of an object.

Elements of the view are put on the screen following the rules:

  • Elements are placed on the screen from left to right, from top to bottom, according to the order of the xml.

  • The screen composed of a table with a fixed number of columns and enough rows to handle all elements.

  • Elements take one or more columns when they are put in the table. If there are not enough free columns on the current row, the elements are put at the beginning of the next row.

XML description

List of attributes shared by many form elements:

  • id: A unique identifier for the tag if there is no name attribute.

  • yexpand: A boolean to specify if the label should expand to take up any extra vertical space.

  • yfill: A boolean to specify if the label should fill the vertical space allocated to it in the table cell.

  • yalign: The vertical alignment, from 0.0 to 1.0.

  • xexpand: The same as yexpand but for horizontal space.

  • xfill: The same as yfill but for horizontal space.

  • xalign: The horizontal alignment, from 0.0 to 1.0.

  • colspan: The number of columns the widget must take in the table.

  • col: The number of columns the container must have.

    A negative value (or zero) will remove the constraint on the number of columns.

    The default value is 4.

  • states: A string of PYSON statement that will be evaluated with the values of the current record.

    It must return a dictionary where keys can be:

    • invisible: If true, the widget will be hidden.

    • required: If true, the field will be required.

    • readonly: If true, the field will be readonly.

    • icon: Only for button, it must return the icon name to use or False.

    • pre_validate: Only for button, it contains a domain to apply on the record before calling the button.

    • depends: Only for button, it must return the list of field on which the button depends.

  • help: The string that will be displayed when the cursor hovers over the widget.

  • symbol: Only on numerical fields, the name of field which provides the symbol to display.

  • help_field: The name of Dict field mapping the Selection value with its help string.


Each form view must start with this tag.

  • on_write: The name of a method on the Model of the view that will be called when a record is saved. The method must return a list of record ids that the client must reload if they are already loaded. The function must have this syntax:

    on_write(self, ids)


    The method must be registered in trytond.model.Model.__rpc__.

  • col: see in common-attributes-col.

  • cursor: The name of the field that must have the cursor by default.


Display static string.


Display a field of the object with the value of the current record.

  • name: The name of the field.

  • string: The string that will be displayed for the widget.

  • widget: The widget that must be used instead of the default one.

  • help: The string that will be displayed when the cursor stays over the widget.

  • width: The minimum width the widget should request, or -1 to unset.

  • height: The minimum height the widget should request, or -1 to unset.

  • readonly: Boolean to set the field readonly.

  • mode: Only for One2Many fields: it is a comma separated list, that specifies the order of the view used to display the relation. (Example: tree,form)

  • view_ids: A comma separated list that specifies the view ids used to display the relation. For Many2One and Many2Many, the order should always be tree then form.

  • product: Only for One2Many fields, a comma separated list of target field name used to create records from the cartesian product.

  • completion: Only for Many2One fields, it is a boolean to set the completion of the field.

  • invisible: The field will not be displayed, but it will fill cells in the table.

  • filename_visible: Only for Binary fields, boolean that enables the display of the filename.

  • toolbar: Only for Rich Text widget, boolean that enables the display of the Rich Text toolbar. The default value is 1.

  • yexpand: see in common-attributes-yexpand.

  • yfill: see in common-attributes-yfill.

  • xexpand: see in common-attributes-xexpand.

  • xfill: see in common-attributes-xfill.

  • colspan: see in common-attributes-colspan.

  • help: see in common-attributes-help.

  • pre_validate: see in common-attributes-pre_validate.

  • completion: see in common-attributes-completion.

  • factor: see in common-attributes-factor.

  • spell: Only for Text widgets, a PYSON statement that will be evaluated to the language code for which spell checking must be done.

  • symbol: see in common-attributes-symbol.

  • help_field: see in common-attributes-help_field.


Display an image.

  • type: the type of image source. Available values are icon or url. The default value is icon.

  • name: The image name or the field name which contains the image name. For the icon type it must be the name of a record of ir.ui.icon. For the url type it must be the URL. It can be relative to the server.

  • url_size: the name of the size parameter to add to the URL.

  • yexpand: see in common-attributes-yexpand.

  • yfill: see in common-attributes-yfill.

  • colspan: see in common-attributes-colspan.

  • size: the size of the image in pixels. The default value is 48.

  • states: see in common-attributes-states.

  • help: see in common-attributes-help.


Display a horizontal separator.


Force to use a new row.


Display a button.

  • name: The name of the function that will be called. The function must have this syntax:

    button(cls, records)

    The function may return an ir.action id or one of those client side action keywords:

  • new: to create a new record

  • delete: to delete the selected records

  • remove: to remove the record if it has a parent

  • copy: to copy the selected records

  • next: to go to the next record

  • previous: to go to the previous record

  • close: to close the current tab

  • switch <view type> [<view id>]: to switch the view

  • reload: to reload the current tab

  • reload context: to reload user context

  • reload menu: to reload menu


The button should be registered on ir.model.button where the default value of the string, confirm and help attributes can be can be defined.


It adds a notebook widget which can contain page tags.


Define a new tab inside a notebook.


Create a sub-table in a cell.

hpaned, vpaned


Contains the childs of a hpaned or vpaned.


<form col="6">
    <label name="name"/>
    <field name="name" xexpand="1"/>
    <label name="code"/>
    <field name="code"/>
    <label name="active"/>
    <field name="active" xexpand="0" width="100"/>
    <notebook colspan="6">
        <page string="General">
            <field name="addresses" mode="form,tree" colspan="4"
            <label name="type"/>
            <field name="type" widget="selection"/>
            <label name="lang"/>
            <field name="lang" widget="selection"/>
            <label name="website"/>
            <field name="website" widget="url"/>
            <separator string="Categories" colspan="4"/>
            <field name="categories" colspan="4"/>
        <page string="Accounting">
            <label name="vat_country"/>
            <field name="vat_country"/>
            <label name="vat_number"/>
            <field name="vat_number"/>

Tree view

The RNG that describes the xml for a tree view is stored in trytond/ir/ui/tree.rng. There is also a RNC in trytond/ir/ui/tree.rnc.

Tree view is used to display records inside a list or a tree.

It is a tree if there is a field_childs defined and this tree will have drag and drop activated if the field_childs and the parent field are defined in the view.

The columns of the view are put on the screen from left to right.

XML description


Each tree view must start with this tag.

  • on_write: see form-attributes-on_write.

  • editable: A boolean to specify if the list is editable.

  • sequence: The name of the field that is used for sorting. This field must be an integer and it will be updated to match the new sort order when the user uses Drag and Drop on list rows.

  • keyword_open: A boolean to specify if the client should look for a tree_open action on double click instead of switching view.

  • tree_state: A boolean to specify if the client should save the state of the tree.

  • visual: A PYSON statement that will be evaluated as string muted, success, warning or danger with the context of the record to provide a visual context to the row.


  • name: The name of the field.

  • readonly: Boolean to set the field readonly.

  • widget: The widget that must be used instead of the default one.

  • tree_invisible: A string of PYSON statement that will be evaluated as boolean with the context of the view to display or not the column.

  • visual: A PYSON statement that will be evaluated as string muted, success, warning or danger with the context of the record to provide a visual context to the field.

  • icon: The name of the field that contains the name of the icon to display in the column.

  • sum: A text for the sum widget that will be added on the bottom of list with the sum of all the fields in the column.

  • width: Set the width of the column.

  • expand: An integer that specifies if the column should be expanded to take available extra space in the view. This space is shared proportionaly among all columns that have their “expand” property set. Resize doesn’t work if this option is enabled.

  • pre_validate: see in common-attributes-pre_validate.

  • completion: see in common-attributes-completion.

  • factor: see in common-attributes-factor.

  • symbol: see in common-attributes-symbol.

  • help_field: see in common-attributes-help_field.

prefix or suffix

A field could contain one or many prefix or suffix that will be diplayed in the same column.

  • string: The text that will be displayed.

  • name: The name of the field whose value will be displayed.

  • icon: The image name or the field name which contains the image name. For the icon type it must be the name of a record of ir.ui.icon. For the url type it must be the URL. It can be relative to the server.

  • icon_type: the type of icon source. Available values are icon or url. The default value is icon.

  • url_size: the name of the size parameter to add to the URL.


Same as in form-button.


<tree sequence="sequence">
    <field name="name"/>
    <field name="percentage">
        <suffix name="percentage" string="%"/>
    <field name="group"/>
    <field name="type"/>
    <field name="active"/>
    <field name="sequence" tree_invisible="1"/>


Display a button.

  • string: The string that will be displayed inside the button.

  • name: The name of the function that will be called. The function must have this syntax:

    button(cls, records)

  • confirm: A text that will be displayed in a confirmation popup when the button is clicked.

  • help: see in common-attributes-help

List-Form view

The list-form views use the same schema as the form views.

List-forms display records as a list of editable forms.


The performance of the list-form does not allow to scale well for large number of records

Graph view

The RNG that describes the xml for a graph view is stored in trytond/ir/ui/graph.rng. There is also a RNC in trytond/ir/ui/graph.rnc.

XML description


Each graph view must start with this tag.

  • type: vbar, hbar, line, pie

  • background: an hexaecimal value for the color of the background.

  • color: the main color.

  • legend: a boolean to specify if the legend must be displayed.

x, y

Describe the field that must be used for axis. x must contain only one tag field and y must at least one but may contain many.


  • name: the name of the field on the object to use.

  • string: allow to override the string that comes from the object.

  • key: can be used to distinguish fields with the same name but with different domain.

  • domain: a PySON string which is evaluated with the object value as context. If the result is true the field value is added to the graph.

  • fill: defined if the graph shall be filled.

  • empty: defined if the line graph must put a point for missing dates.

  • color: the color of the field.

  • interpolation: defined how the line graph must interpolate points. The default is linear.


<graph string="Invoice by date" type="vbar">
      <field name="invoice_date"/>
      <field name="total_amount"/>

Board view

The RNG that describes the xml for a board view is stored in trytond/ir/ui/board.rng. There is also a RNC in trytond/ir/ui/graph.rnc.

Board view is used to display multiple views at once.

Elements are put on the screen followin the same rules as for Form view.

The views can be updated by the selection of records on an other view inside the same board by using Eval() on the action id of the other view in the domain.

XML description


Each board view must start with this tag.


Same as in Form view.


Same as in Form view.


Same as in Form view.


Same as in Form view.


Same as in Form view.


Same as in Form view.


Same as in Form view.

hpaned, vpaned

Same as in Form view.


Same as in Form view.


Calendar view

The RNG that describes the xml for a calendar view is stored in trytond/ir/ui/calendar.rng. There is also a RNC in trytond/ir/ui/calendar.rnc.

Calendar view is use to display records as events on a calendar based on a dtstart and optionally a dtend.

XML description


Each calendar view must start with this tag.

  • dtstart: The name of the field that contains the start date.

  • dtend: The name of the field that contains the end date.

  • mode: An optional name for the view that will be used first. Available views are: day, week and month. The default value is month.

  • editable: A boolean to specify if the calendar is editable. The default value is True.

  • color: An optional field name that contains the text color for the event. The default value is black.

  • background_color: An optional field name that contains the background color for the event. The default value is lightblue.

  • width: The minimum width the calendar should request, use -1 to unset.

  • height: The minimum height the calendar should request, use -1 to unset.


  • name: The name of the field.


<calendar dtstart="planned_date">
    <field name="code"/>
    <field name="product"/>
    <field name="reference"/>