Release notes#
0.11.0 - 2024-12-07#
Allow setting zip file generation options on opendocument templates
0.10.2 - 20240421#
Defer files added to serializer before call
Add support for Python 3.12
0.10.1 - 20220502#
Use unittest discover
Add support for Python 3.10
Support directive applying to itself
Keep tail of directive
0.10.0 - 20210911#
Remove support for Python older than 3.5
Add relatorio-render script
Add templating of meta in opendocument
0.9.3 - 20210507#
Support empty image in opendocument
Add support for Python 3.9
0.9.2 - 20200826#
Support draw name tuple without parenthesis
0.9.1 - 20200126#
Do not guess type of cell if directive is not alone
Add support for Python 3.8
Support file-magic as fallback to python-magic
0.9.0 - 20190729#
Support out parameter of render
Write opendocument stream directly to the ZipFile
0.8.1 - 20180930#
Add support for Python 3.7
Escape invalid XML characters
Enforce closing tag to be the same directive as the opening
Use compression for zip file
Write mimetype as first file of the zip file
0.8.0 - 20171204#
Do not guess_type on styled cell content
Remove type attributes when guessing type
Add support for Python 3.6
Remove soft-page-break
0.7.1 - 20171008#
Remove warning when import plugin fails
Apply the guess type function on the correct node
Fix guess_type for date and datetime
0.7.0 - 20170729#
Replace hard-coded extensions by mimetypes guess
Add more guess types: ‘boolean’, ‘date’, ‘time’ and ‘void’
Add support for Flat OpenDocument
0.6.4 - 20161218#
Use StringIO instead of BytesIO for TextSerializer result
0.6.3 - 20160629#
Update calcext:value-type with the same guessed type
Register MarkupTemplate for ‘markup’ mimetype instead of ‘xml’
0.6.2 - 20150919#
Add name argument for “image:” in odf
Remove table:end-cell-address from draw:frame as the address could be wrong
Remove nose
Add directives: attrs, content, replace and strip
0.6.1 - 20140909#
Use io module instead of StringIO
Explicitly close ZipFile
0.6.0 - 20130810#
Add support for Python 3
Allow to pass only source to Template
0.5.7 - 20130126#
Allow string as bitstream for images
0.5.6 - 20120223#
Add expression cache to prevent multiple evaluation of the same expression
Fix typo when writing manifest
Remove Thumbnails in opendocument
Clean meta in opendocument
Clean template code from draw:frame in opendocument
Use StringIO as failback of cStringIO
0.5.5 - 20100719#
Fix namespace in opendocument manifest
0.5.4 - 20100330#
Update manifest.xml with added files in opendocument
Do not write empty width or height attributes in opendocument
Update py:attrs attributes in opendocument
0.5.3 - 20100110#
Escape elements values in opendocument template
0.5.2 - 20091108#
Fix guess_type for long value
Add width, height arguments for “image:” in odf
Switch to GPL-3
Added support for Genshi {% include %} tags (patch by Simon Jagoe)
Nicer traceback message upon failed import
0.5.1 - 20090416#
Simplified the examples
Fix usage of tags without attributes (choose & otherwise)
Print original traceback when a module can not be loaded
Do not import relatorio in
Better handling of namespaces
Added some tests
0.5.0 - 20090123#
Added Text and XML Template to the TemplateLoader
Splitted mimetypes and ids in the ReportRepository
RelatorioStream now has a __str__ method
OOTemplate: ChartTemplate can be included
OOTemplate: Correctly handle content type in the table cells
OOTemplate: Better closing/opening tag detection algorithm
OOTemplate: Looping on columns now work in OOTemplates
OOTemplate: Using compression
0.4.1 - 20081110#
Support for upstream PyCha since the most annoying bug has been fixed
Removed the entrypoint stuff that was confusing lot of users
0.4.0 - 20080910#
Generation of png/svg files through PyCha
Code cleaning
Signature of report __call__ method mimics the one of genshi templates
Added the possibility to call chart report from odf ones
0.3.0 - 20080806#
Generation of pdf files through ConTeXt
Better support of cell value in opendocument table cells
Better namespace support in opendocument files
Better image support in opendocument files
0.2.0 - 20080717#
Added support for templating in the styles.xml file
Much more genshi-esque way to do stuff in the odt templating
0.1.1 - 20080715#
Added an image handling feature (thanks to for the idea and bits of implementation)
Added the dependancy on Genshi
test for trml2pdf presence
standardize the way the template object returns their results
0.1.0 - 20080707#
Initial version