The Account Invoice Module adds some new concepts and extends some existing concepts.
The main concept introduced by the Account Invoice Module is the Invoice. This contains details of a purchase, or sales, transaction between the Company and another Party.
Each invoice has a type that indicates whether it is an invoice from a supplier, or to a customer. Credit notes are represented by invoices with negative totals.
Additional information is also stored for each invoice, including things like a unique Sequence number, invoice, accounting and payment term dates, Payment Terms, Tax Identifiers, Currency information, the customer’s or supplier’s invoice Address, and other descriptions and reference numbers.
An invoice is made up from one, or more, invoice lines. Most lines normally contain information about the items that were bought or sold, including information about the Products, quantities, Taxes and prices that make up the transaction. There are also some types of line that add other information like titles, descriptions or subtotals.
The taxes that are included on an invoice are calculated from the tax amounts for each of the invoice’s lines. These amounts are rounded at either the line or invoice level depending on the setting in the Account Configuration. Additional taxes can be manually added to the invoice when required. It is also possible to change calculated tax amounts, although these changes get overwritten if the invoice’s tax amounts get recalculated. For supplier invoice it is possible to define per line the deductible rate of the taxes.
When an invoice is processed an Account Move is automatically created for it. This account move records the transaction represented by the invoice and places the total in the specified payable or receivable Account.
For customer invoices the Invoice Report is generated and stored at the point when the invoice is posted.
See also
Customer invoices and credit notes can be seen by opening the main menu item:
Supplier invoices and credit note are available from the main menu item:
Pay Invoice¶
The Pay Invoice wizard allows a cash payment for an invoice to be registered against the invoice. It uses the values from an Invoice Payment Method when creating the Account Move. The wizard supports partial payments, and can also be used to write-off some of the invoice amount.
Credit Invoice¶
The Credit Invoice wizard enables a credit note to be raised for the selected invoices.
For customer invoices that are posted, the wizard allows the invoice to be credited with a refund. When this is done the credit note is automatically posted and the invoice is cancelled.
The Invoice report is used to output a hard copy of the invoice or credit note. It includes all the information that is needed in order to send the document to a customer or supplier.
Invoice Payment Method¶
The concept of an Invoice Payment Method brings together an Account Journal, a debit Account and a credit account. This is normally used during the Pay Invoice wizard.
Fiscal Year Invoice Sequence¶
The Fiscal Year Invoice Sequence concept allows a set of Sequences to be defined for use with Invoices. It allows different sequences to be used for each of the different types of invoices and credit notes. It also allows the use of different sequences for each accounting Period.
See also
The fiscal year sequences are defined in the Fiscal Year.
Payment Term¶
The Payment Term stores the method that is used to calculate an Invoice’s payment due dates.
An invoice may be due for payment in full on a particular day, or may become due for payment over time in parts.
To allow for this each payment term is made up of one or more lines. Each line defines an amount that should be paid, and when that payment is expected. The amounts can be defined as either fixed amounts, percentages, or a remainder.
Test Payment Term¶
The Test Payment Term wizard shows how a specific invoice amount is broken down for a particular Payment Term. It allows a date and an amount to be entered and then calculates the due dates and amounts for each payment that will be required for that payment term.
See also
Payment terms can be tested out by opening the main menu item: