In Tryton the Account concept is used to represent the different accounts that make up the Company’s chart of accounts. These accounts are commonly organised into a structure, with each account having a single parent and zero or more sub accounts.
The balance of an account is made up from all the credits and debits into the account and its sub accounts. These values are in the company’s Currency, but a second currency can be used on accounts that record transactions that happen in a different currency.
Each account has an Account Type which defines some additional properties of the account. A second type can be specified for accounts whose type depends on whether they have a credit or debit balance.
Only accounts that are not closed can be used as a source or destination for Account Moves.
Tryton will only try and reconcile Account Move Lines in accounts that are correctly marked when Reconciling accounts.
In Tryton a deferral account is any account that appears on a company’s balance sheet, or is not shown on any reports. The amounts in these accounts are carried forward to subsequent Fiscal Years, and are stored using the Account Deferral concept.
See also
A list of the accounts is available via the main menu item:
Accounts can be created from Account Templates.
Open Chart of Accounts¶
This wizard opens the company’s chart of accounts.
See also
The chart of accounts can be opened using the main menu item:
Account Type¶
The Account Type concept defines the structure of the Company’s accounting reports. It defines whether the account type appears on the balance sheet or income statement, and has a set of properties that indicate what any Accounts of this type can be used for.
When used as the balance sheet or income statement the amount shown for the account type includes the amounts from all the accounts of that type and includes the amounts from all of its children.
The amounts from accounts that also have a debit type are only ever included in either the account’s type, or its debit type, depending on whether the accounts balance is in credit, or debit, respectively.
See also
The list of account types can be found by opening the main menu item:
Accounts Types can be created from Account Type Templates.
The Statement report is used to get a printed copy of the open parts of the balance sheet and income statements.
Account Party¶
The Account Party concept is used to show the balances, and credits and debits, for each Party in an Account.
Account Deferral¶
The Account Deferral concept stores, by Account, any amounts that need to be carried forward to the next Fiscal Year. The data that gets stored here is managed automatically when fiscal years are closed or re-opened.
General Ledger Account¶
The list of General Ledger Accounts gives a top level view of a Company’s general ledger. For the specified period of time, it provides a summary of the debits and credits into the Accounts, and the starting and ending values for the debits, credits and account balances.
General Ledger¶
For each selected General Ledger Account the General Ledger report provides a detailed list of all of the transactions that occurred during the specified period of time. These are summed up for each general ledger account, and the account balance is also shown.
Trial Balance¶
The Trial Balance report allows a hard copy of the General Ledger Account’s summaries to be printed out. It lists each selected general ledger account along with its start and end balances and total debits and credits.
General Ledger Account Party¶
The General Ledger Account Party concept provides the same information as the General Ledger Account, but grouped by Party.
It can be used to show the information that is normally found in a Debtors or Creditors Ledger.
Aged Balance¶
The Aged Balance shows a breakdown of how overdue payments are both to and from customers and suppliers. It allows the length of some terms to be set and then, for each Party, groups the payment amounts into the appropriate term based on the maturity date from the payment’s Account Move Line. A payment amount appears in the first term it is equal to or more overdue than.
Aged Balance¶
The Aged Balance report lets the user get a hard copy of the selected terms and aged balances.