
The Purchase Module introduces some new concepts and updates existing concepts to make them work seamlessly with purchases.


The Purchase is used to manage the purchasing process. Each purchase, at any time, can be in one of several different states. A purchase progresses through these states until eventually it is either done or gets cancelled. When some of these state changes happen the Employee that triggered the state change is also recorded.

Details are stored about the Company making the purchase and any other Parties, Contact Mechanisms and Addresses that relate to it, such as the supplier, the contact at the supplier or the party that is sending the Invoice.

A purchase is identified by a unique number that is generated automatically from the configured Sequence and may also have other general information such as the purchase date, a description, or a reference provided by the supplier.

Each purchase is made up from one or more lines. These lines can be put into a particular order if desired. Normally most lines on a purchase provide information about which Products or items are required. Informational lines can also be added for things like titles, comments or subtotals.

The total, untaxed, and tax amounts for a purchase are derived from the amounts, prices and Taxes of the purchase’s lines.

A destination Warehouse is required for purchases of physical items such as goods or assets. The purchase will automatically create Stock Moves for these products. These stock moves are linked to the purchase’s lines and must be recreated or ignored if they get cancelled.

Invoices relating to the purchase may be created, depending on which invoice method is selected. These invoices are based on the details from the purchase, and must be recreated or ignored if they get cancelled.

See also

Purchases can be found by opening the main menu item:


Purchase Report

The Purchase Report provides a purchase order that can be sent to the supplier when making a purchase. It includes all the relevant information from the selected purchases.


Handle Shipment Exception

The Handle Shipment Exception wizard helps the user ensure the purchase has the correct Stock Moves associated with it. For stock moves that have been cancelled, it lets the user decide which should be re-created, and which should be ignored.

Handle Invoice Exception

The Handle Invoice Exception wizard helps the user make sure the purchase only has the appropriate Invoices associated with it. If any of the purchase’s invoices get cancelled this wizard provides the user with the option to re-create or ignore the cancelled invoice.

Modify Header

Some fields on a draft purchase become read-only when lines are added to it. The Modify Header wizard allows the values in these fields to be safely updated.

Return Purchase

The Return Purchase wizard is used when a purchase needs to be sent back. It creates new draft purchases that match any selected purchases, but with all the quantities negated.

Product Supplier

The Product Supplier concept links together a Product with a Party that acts as a supplier. The product can be either a Product Template or one of its Variants. Each Company has their own list of product suppliers.

A supplier’s product name and code, and a lead time can be defined for each combination of products and suppliers. Also different purchase prices can be set for different minimum order quantities.

See also

A list of products and their suppliers can be found by opening the main menu item:

Purchase Reporting

Each of the different Purchase Reporting concepts are based on either an Abstract purchases report, or an AbstractTimeseries. There is also a base Context that is inherited and used to specify things such as the date range that is used by the report.

The Abstract provides the basic properties that makes up a purchases report including the number of purchases and expense. The AbstractTimeseries is used to extend this with a date. This is used in purchases reports that cover multiple periods of time. These are combined together with additional specific properties to create the different purchases reports.

See also

Purchases reports can be accessed from the main menu item:

Purchases ‣ Reporting ‣ Purchases

By Supplier

The purchases reporting that is done By Supplier splits the purchases up based on what each Supplier bought. This is done in two separate parts. One that shows the purchases, in total, for the selected period from the Context. Another that breaks them down by date into smaller chunks.

By Product

Purchases reporting that is done By Product splits up the purchases based on the Product that was purchased. This is structured as two parts. One that shows the total purchases for the selected period of time, and another that shows how the purchases were distributed over time.


The Purchase Configuration concept is used to store the settings that affect the general behaviour and default values for purchase related activities.


Some of the purchase configuration options have no effect unless the Task Queue has been setup and some workers are running.

See also

Purchase configuration settings are found by opening the main menu item: