
exception trytond.exceptions.TrytonException#

The base class for all Tryton exceptions.

exception trytond.exceptions.UserError(message[, description[, domain]])#

The base class for exceptions used to display an error message to users. The domain may be a 2-tuple containing a domain and a dictionary of field definitions used to format the domain and append to the description.

exception trytond.exceptions.UserWarning(name, message[, description])#

The base class for exceptions used to display a warning message to users.

exception trytond.exceptions.LoginExceptions(name, message[, type])#

The exception used to request name parameter for the login process.

exception trytond.exceptions.ConcurrencyException(message)#

The exception raised on concurrent modification.

exception trytond.exceptions.RateLimitException#

The exception raised when user has sent too many login requests.

exception trytond.exceptions.MissingDependenciesException(missings)#

The exception raised when modules are missing.

exception trytond.model.exceptions.AccessError#

The exception raised when trying to access a record without the rights.

exception trytond.model.exceptions.AccessButtonError#

The exception raised when trying to execute a button without the rights.

exception trytond.model.exceptions.ButtonActionException#

The exception raised to launch the action instead of executing the button method.

The value attribute is the action value returned.

exception trytond.model.exceptions.ImportDataError#

The exception raises when importing data fails.

exception trytond.model.exceptions.ValidationError#

The base class for all record validation error.

exception trytond.model.exceptions.DomainValidationError#

The exception raised when the domain of a field is not valid.

exception trytond.model.exceptions.RequiredValidationError#

The exception raised when a required field is empty.

exception trytond.model.exceptions.SizeValidationError#

The exception raised when the size of a field is too big.

exception trytond.model.exceptions.DigitsValidationError#

The exception raised when the value of a field does not respect its digits.

exception trytond.model.exceptions.SelectionValidationError#

The exception raised when the value is not in the selection.

exception trytond.model.exceptions.TimeFormatValidationError#

The exception raised when the time format of a field is not respected.

exception trytond.model.exceptions.ForeignKeyError#

The exception raised when a foreign key is not respected.

exception trytond.model.exceptions.SQLConstraintError#

The exception raised when a _sql_constraints is not respected.

exception trytond.model.exceptions.RecursionError#

The exception raised by check_recursion.