API Reference

API Reference#

Braintree Checkout#

The Account Payment Braintree Module defines a route to checkout a Payment or a Braintree Customer:

  • GET /<database_name>/account_payment_braintree/checkout/<model>/<id>: Returns an HTML page using the Checkout report.

    model the name of the model: account.payment or account.payment.braintree.customer. id the id of the record.

  • POST /<database_name>/account_payment_braintree/checkout/<model>/<id>: Retrieves the form with payment_method_nonce (and optionally device_data) to set on the record.

Braintree Webhook#

The Account Payment Braintree Module defines a route to receive the Braintree’s webhooks:

  • POST /<database_name>/account_payment_braintree/webhook/<account>:

    account is the webhook identifier of the Account.