
The Account Payment Braintree Module introduces and extends the following concepts:


When the Account Payment Braintree Module is activated, the Payment gains new properties used to store the Braintree information from processing payments where the process method of the Payment Journal is Braintree.

A Braintree payment can be processed using a nonce or a payment method from the Customer. In case of an error, the error message from Braintree is collected and displayed. The settle field can be unchecked to only authorize the payment during processing and then to settle the amount in a second step.

Two scheduled tasks run every 15 minutes to transact and settle each processing payment. Another scheduled task also runs every 15 minutes to pull updates for each processing payment until they have succeeded or failed. The Braintree payments also have a Braintree Pull button which can be used to force an update using the braintree transaction.

See also

The Payment concept is introduced by the Account Payment Module.

Braintree Payment Refund#

The Braintree Payment Refund represents an order to refund some amount of a Payment.

Once processed, a payment refund can not be changed.

See also

The Braintree payment refund can be found by opening the main menu item:

Financial ‣ Payments ‣ Braintree Refunds

Payment Journal#

When the Account Payment Braintree Module is activated, the Payment Journal gains a property for the Braintree Account for those journals where the processing method is Braintree.

See also

The Payment Journal concept is introduced by the Account Payment Module.

Braintree Account#

The Braintree Account stores the credentials needed to communicate with the Braintree API.

It also displays the URL to set up on Braintree for the webhooks.


If no webhooks are set up, disputes will not update the Payments.

See also

The Braintree Accounts can be found by opening the main menu item:

Financial ‣ Configuration ‣ Payments ‣ Braintree Accounts

Braintree Customer#

The Braintree Customer links a Party to a Braintree customer.

A scheduled task runs every hour to create new customers on Braintree and another to delete them if they have become inactive.

See also

The Braintree Customers can be found by opening the main menu item:

Financial ‣ Payments ‣ Braintree Customers

Braintree Checkout#

The Braintree Checkout report renders an HTML document using the Braintree Javascript library to display a checkout form for Payments or Braintree Customers.