The Account Payment Module introduces the following concepts:
A Payment represents an order to pay an amount to a Party or receive an amount from a party. It may be linked to an Move Line to deduce its Amount to Pay.
Once processed, a payment can not be changed except to be succeeded or failed.
When the Account Statement Module is activated, the payment lines linked to a statement line are marked as succeeded when the statement is validated.
See also
The receivable payments can be found by opening the main menu item:
The payable payments can be found by opening the main menu item:
Process Payment#
The Process Payment wizard groups the payments of same kind and process them following the method defined on the journal.
Payment Journal#
A Payment Journal groups Payments. It defines the Currency and the processing method.
Payment Group#
A Payment Group contains Payments processed together at the same time for methods that need it. The payment group is used to follow the processing of the payments.
Account Move Line#
When the Account Payment Module is activated, the account move lines gain some extra properties. These include the amount to pay for a receivable or payable line and the blocked and direct debit checkboxes.
See also
The Account Move Line concept is introduced by the Account Module.
Create Direct Debit#
The Credit Direct Debit wizard creates receivable payments for due lines for a date based on the direct debits property of the Party.
Pay Line#
The Pay Line wizard creates payments for each line and using the amount to pay.
When the Account Payment Module is activated, the parties gain some extra accounting properties. These include a checkbox to prevent to pay supplier which does direct debit and a list of direct debit options to collect payments from customer.
See also
The Party concept is introduced by the Party Module.