The Account Module introduces the following concepts:
In Tryton the Account concept is used to represent the different accounts that make up the Company’s chart of accounts. These accounts are commonly organised into a structure, with each account having a single parent and zero or more sub accounts.
The balance of an account is made up from all the credits and debits into the account and its sub accounts. These values are in the company’s Currency, but a second currency can be used on accounts that record transactions that happen in a different currency.
Each account has an Account Type which defines some additional properties of the account. A second type can be specified for accounts whose type depends on whether they have a credit or debit balance.
Only accounts that are not closed can be used as a source or destination for Account Moves.
Tryton will only try and reconcile Account Move Lines in accounts that are correctly marked when Reconciling accounts.
In Tryton a deferral account is any account that appears on a company’s balance sheet, or is not shown on any reports. The amounts in these accounts are carried forward to subsequent Fiscal Years, and are stored using the Account Deferral concept.
See also
A list of the accounts is available via the main menu item:
Accounts can be created from Account Templates.
Account Type#
The Account Type concept defines the structure of the Company’s accounting reports. It defines whether the account type appears on the balance sheet or income statement, and has a set of properties that indicate what any Accounts of this type can be used for.
When used as the balance sheet or income statement the amount shown for the account type includes the amounts from all the accounts of that type and includes the amounts from all of its children.
The amounts from accounts that also have a debit type are only ever included in either the account’s type, or its debit type, depending on whether the accounts balance is in credit, or debit, respectively.
See also
The list of account types can be found by opening the main menu item:
Accounts Types can be created from Account Type Templates.
The Statement report is used to get a printed copy of the open parts of the balance sheet and income statements.
Account Party#
The Account Party concept is used to show the balances, and credits and debits, for each Party in an Account.
Account Deferral#
The Account Deferral concept stores, by Account, any amounts that need to be carried forward to the next Fiscal Year. The data stored here is automatically managed when fiscal years are closed or reopened.
General Ledger Account#
The list of General Ledger Accounts gives a top level view of a Company’s general ledger. For the specified period of time, it provides a summary of the debits and credits into the Accounts, and the starting and ending values for the debits, credits and account balances.
General Ledger#
For each selected General Ledger Account the General Ledger report provides a detailed list of all of the transactions that occurred during the specified period of time. These are summed up for each general ledger account, and the account balance is also shown.
Trial Balance#
The Trial Balance report allows a hard copy of the General Ledger Account’s summaries to be printed out. It lists each selected general ledger account along with its start and end balances and total debits and credits.
General Ledger Account Party#
The General Ledger Account Party concept provides the same information as the General Ledger Account, but grouped by Party.
It can be used to show the information that is normally found in a Debtors or Creditors Ledger.
Aged Balance#
The Aged Balance shows a breakdown of how overdue payments are both to and from customers and suppliers. It allows the length of some terms to be set and then, for each Party, groups the payment amounts into the appropriate term based on the maturity date from the payment’s Account Move Line. A payment amount appears in the first term it is equal to or more overdue than.
Aged Balance#
The Aged Balance report lets the user get a hard copy of the selected terms and aged balances.
Account Move#
The Account Move concept is used to record transactions in a Company’s accounts. In Tryton each account move is made up from several Account Move Lines. These lines form the separate parts of the transaction as required by double-entry bookkeeping principles.
Account moves are always tied to a specific accounting Period, and new account moves can only be created in an open period. All account moves are also entered into one of the Journals.
An account move can be changed until it is posted. Posting an account move permanently adds it to the company’s accounts. Only account moves whose line’s debits and credits are balanced can be posted.
General Journal#
In Tryton the general journal lists all of the selected Account Moves. It also includes details such as the accounts, debits and credits involved.
Cancel Moves#
The Cancel Moves wizard creates new account moves whose debits and credits cancel out those from the original account moves. If any of the Account Move Lines that got cancelled are in Accounts that are marked as to be reconciled then the original lines are Reconciled with those that cancel them out.
Account Move Line#
Each Account Move Line is used to represent a single debit, or credit, to a specific Account.
It is also used to record additional details about the transaction, such as:
the amount in a second Currency,
the Party involved with the transaction,
the date when the line matures and a payment for the (payable or receivable) line should happen, and
how the amount is split up for Tax purposes.
Account move lines can only exist as part of an Account Move. A valid line is part of an account move that has balanced debits and credits. Once the account move that a line belongs to has been posted the main properties of the line can no longer be changed. These facts help ensure the integrity of the Company’s accounts and the accounting reports generated by Tryton.
Group Lines#
The Group Lines wizard allows payable and/or receivable Account Move Lines to be grouped together and a single unique payable or receivable account move line is created for the net amount of the grouped lines. The maturity date used for the newly created account move line is the earliest maturity date from the lines that were grouped together.
Reschedule Lines#
The Reschedule Lines wizard allows to reschedule payable or receivable Account Move Lines by creating an account move line for each new maturity date.
Reconcile Lines#
The Reconcile Lines wizard matches together Account Move Lines from the same account that have credits and debits which are equal. If the selected account move lines do not balance then the wizard will offer to create a write-off account move for the difference, so the reconciliation can be completed. When the reconciliation is done the lines are linked together using a new Reconciliation.
Unreconcile Lines#
The Unreconcile Lines wizard undoes a reconciliation. It does this by removing the Reconciliation that linked together the Account Move Lines.
Running this wizard will not reverse any other operations that may have been triggered when the reconciliation was initially performed.
In Tryton a Reconciliation groups together some Account Move Lines whose total debits and credits balance. These account move lines must all have the same Account and Party and must not already be part of another Reconciliation.
Each Reconciliation stores information about the reconciliation and when it happened.
Reconcile Accounts#
The Reconcile Accounts wizard is used to find and reconcile groups of Account Move Lines that have matching total debits and credits, in Accounts that are marked for reconciliation.
The wizard goes through each account and Party in turn, and attempts to find the best possible reconciliations from the unreconciled account move lines that should be considered.
It does this by splitting up the account move lines into sequential chunks. It then tries all possible combinations of the account move lines within each chunk, in an attempt to find the best set of balanced lines.
See also
The reconcile accounts wizard can be started from the main menu item:
Reconcile Write-off#
The Reconcile Write-off concept is used to configure which Journal and debit or credit Accounts are used for write-offs generated when Reconciling Lines.
Fiscal Year#
In accounting the concept of a Fiscal Year is used when generating a Company’s financial reports. In Tryton it groups together a set of Periods.
Create Periods#
For a Fiscal Year, the Create Periods wizard creates a set of monthly, quarterly, or other fixed length periods. The periods that are created cover the whole of the fiscal year, and do not overlap.
Renew Fiscal Year#
The Renew Fiscal Year wizard takes a previous Fiscal Year and lets the user create a new fiscal year based on it. When the wizard is started, by default, it is setup ready to create a new fiscal year based on, and immediately following, the latest fiscal year.
See also
The renew fiscal year wizard can be started from the main menu item:
Balance Non-Deferral#
At the fiscal year-end the Balance Non-Deferral wizard is used to create Account Moves that zero the balances of each non-deferral Account using a counterpart account.
See also
The balance non-deferral wizard is started using the main menu item:
An accounting Period represents a period of time between two dates. It allows a Company’s accounts to be processed, aggregated and analysed based on this fixed range of time. Each period in Tryton belongs to a Fiscal Year.
There are two different types of period, standard periods, and adjustment periods. Standard periods from the same fiscal year cannot overlap, and by default Tryton will only use Standard periods when creating new Account Moves. Adjustment periods are typically used for things like the accounting moves created when Closing a fiscal year, and these periods may overlap other periods.
A Journal represents a book of original entry from traditional manual accounting. In Tryton it allows Account Moves of the same class to be grouped together. Every account move gets associated with a journal, and the journal defines what sequence is then used to number the account move.
Among the journal’s properties is a type. This limits where the journal can be used.
When the system needs a journal, it chooses the first journal from the ordered list that matches the requested criteria.
Open Journal#
The Open Journal wizard opens an editable list which can be used to quickly enter in journal entries for a specific journal and Period.
See also
The wizard can be started by using the main menu item:
Journal Period#
For each Company, a Journal Period links together the concepts of a Journal, and an accounting Period. Each journal period is created automatically when the first Account Move is created in the journal and period. It provides a way of partially closing a period one journal at a time.
The Tax concept allows the taxes a Company uses to be represented in Tryton. Taxes can be for a fixed amount, or a percentage of an item’s price. The tax can also be setup to be included as part of an item’s price for any later taxes that get applied, resulting in it being compounded by these later taxes.
A date range can be used to restrict when a tax applies.
Applying a tax will also apply all of its children.
See also
The taxes can be found by opening the main menu item:
Taxes can be created from Tax Templates.
Test Tax#
The Test Tax wizard allows a user to test how different taxes get applied. It does this without altering any data on the system, and lets the user instantly see the result of applying different taxes.
See also
The test tax wizard can be started using the main menu item:
Tax Line#
The Tax Line concept is used to record how an Account Move Line is split up for tax purposes. Each tax line represents a tax amount, or base amount, for a specific Account Move Line and Tax combination.
Tax Group#
The Tax Group concept is used to group together Taxes of the same type. These tax groups can then be used in Tax Rules’ lines to change which taxes are applied to an item.
Tax Rule#
A Tax Rule allows taxes to be substituted for other taxes based on a set of rules. When the tax rule is applied the rule defined by its first matching line is used.
The tax rule’s lines contain a set of properties, such as the Tax, its Group, or a date range. These are used to work out if the tax rule line matches the tax. If the tax matches, then a substitution tax is added and the origin tax is removed, unless the tax rule line indicates that the origin tax should also be kept.
See also
The available tax rules can be found by opening the main menu item:
Tax rules can be created from Tax Rule Templates.
Tax Code#
In Tryton Tax Codes are used to collect together tax amounts and base amounts for tax reporting.
Each tax code is made up from lines, each of which collect together either the tax or base amounts for a specific Tax and type of transaction. An operator then allows this value to be negated if required.
The tax codes can be placed into a structure with each having a parent and some children.
The amounts shown by each tax code are based on the values from tax code’s lines, and the amounts provided by the tax code’s children.
See also
The list of tax codes can be found using the main menu item:
Tax codes can be created from Tax Code Templates.
The Templates are used to predefine a set of basic accounting structures and rules. The templates have the same properties as their non-template equivalents except they are not linked to a Company.
There are templates for:
Tax Codes, and
These templates are used together to form a complete accounting structure for particular country and/or company type.
Create Chart#
The Create Chart wizard takes a set of templates and creates the corresponding accounts structure for a single Company. This includes structures like the chart of accounts, balance sheet and income statement, and taxes and related tax management and reporting structures.
See also
The create chart wizard can be started from the main menu item:
Update Chart#
The Update Chart wizard updates a Company’s accounts structure with any changes that have been made to the underlying templates.
See also
The update chart wizard can be started from the main menu item:
Account Move Template#
An Account Move Template provides a predefined structure for an Account Move.
Each account move template can define a set of keywords. Values for these keywords are requested from the user when the template is used. These values are then substituted for the keyword placeholders defined in the account move template’s fields.
The account move template’s lines, and their tax lines, mirror the structure of Account Move Lines and Tax Lines respectively. However, in selected fields they also allow the use of expressions that can contain the keyword placeholders.
Create Move#
The Create Move wizard is used to create a new Account Move based on a selected Move Template.
See also
The create move wizard can be started from the main menu item:
The Account Configuration contains the settings used to configure the general behaviour and default values for accounting related activities.