The Account Statement Module introduces the following concepts:
The Statement concept groups together lines that represent entries in a Journal. These lines contain, among other information, the date, amount, party and account.
A statement may also contain a list of origins each of these holds a single line from the raw information that was imported.
A statement progresses through several different states until it is either posted or cancelled.
Statement Report#
The Statement Report is a document that can be printed out that contains all the relevant information about each statement, including the lines.
Import Statement#
The Import Statement wizard creates Statements from one of the supported file formats. The raw lines from the file are stored as a list of origins on the statement.
Reconcile Statement#
The Reconcile Statement wizard launches the Reconcile Accounts wizard on the Account Move Lines created by the Statement.
Line Group#
The Line Group displays the grouping of statement lines that was created at the point when the Statement was validated.
Statement Journal#
A Statement Journal represents a Statement book. Among other things it defines how the statements must be validated.