
The Stock Lot Module introduces or extends the following concepts:


A Lot represents a set of a single Product, often delivered or manufactured at the same time. Among other properties, a Lot has a number to identify it. The Lot is associated with a batch of stock by tagging the Stock Moves of the products with that Lot.

See also

The stock lots can be found by opening the main menu item:

Lot Quantity#

The amount of a Lot in a Stock Location is calculated in the same way as the Product Quantity with a filter on the Stock Moves.


Add Lots#

The Add Lots wizard allows the user to easily add multiple Lots to a Stock Move by defining a lot number and quantity. The Stock Move is then split and assigned to the Lots.

Lot Trace#

The Lot Trace shows the usage of a Stock Lot over time by displaying the upward and downward traces as a tree structure. This is used to provide full Traceability for each stock lot.


The Inventory is extended to allow the Stock Lot to be specified along with the Product for each line.


When the Stock Lot Module is activated, products get some additional properties. These include a list of Location types where a lot is required when the product is moved from or to them. A sequence can be defined to automatically generate lot numbers for the product. A default value for all products can be set for all products in the Product Configuration.

See also

The Product concept is introduced by the Product Module.