
The Account Stock EU Module introduces and extends the following concepts:

Intrastat Declaration

A Declaration is created for each month and country from which the company has exported to or imported goods from other European countries. Each Declaration is closed once it has been exported to be filled to the authorities. If a change happens later, the Declaration is reopened.

See also

Intrastat Declarations can be found by opening the main menu item:

Intrastat Declaration Export

The Intrastat Declaration Export wizard generates a file the report for the Declaration. The supported countries are:

  • Belgium

  • Spain

If the country is not supported, a generic CSV is used.

Intrastat Transaction

It stores the nature of the transactions.

Intrastat Transport

It stores the type of transports for the extended declaration.


The Shipment concepts are extended to store or compute the origin country and the destination country.

See also

The Shipment concepts are introduced by the Stock Module.

Stock Move

The Stock Move concept is extended to store the needed information for Intrastat declaration.

See also

The Stock Move concept is introduced by the Stock Module.

Tariff Code

The Tariff Code concept is extended to store an optional additional unit to include on Intrastat declaration.

See also

The Tariff Code concept is introduced by the Customs Module.

Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year concept is extended to store if the company should use the extended Intrastat declaration for the period.

See also

The Fiscal Year concept is introduced by the Account Module.


The Subdivision concept is extended to store the Intrastat code.

See also

The Subdivision concept is introduced by the Country Module.