
The Production Module introduces or extends the following concepts.

Bill of Material#

A *BOM (Bill of Material)* is a list of Products and the quantities needed to manufacture one or more other products.

See also

The BOM can be found using the main menu item:


When the Production Module is activated, products gain some extra properties. These include a Producible checkbox and a list of BOMs that it can be produced from.

See also

The Product concept is introduced by the Product Module.


Open BOM Tree#

The Open BOM Tree is a helper wizard used to display the full tree of other Products that are required to produce a configured quantity of the specific product using a BOM.


A Production is an order to produce a specific quantity of a Product. A production progresses through different states until it is either done or cancelled.

Each production contains a list of input Moves for the products that are used. It also has a list of outgoing moves for the products that are created and any that are scrapped during the production process.

The cost of a production is made up from the cost of all the input moves. When the production is done, the cost is split proportionally across the output moves as the unit price.


If the cost of the inputs change after the production is done, a scheduled task update the costs of the outputs.


When the Production Module is activated, warehouses gain some extra properties. These include locations for Production, Production Picking and Production Output which are used as the default values when producing products.

See also

The Location concept is introduced by the Stock Module.


The Production Configuration contains settings that are used to configure the behaviour and default values for production related activities, including the sequence used to generate Production numbers.

See also

The production configuration can be found using the main menu item: