A Budget, in Tryton, is used to define a financial plan for a Company over a defined period of time.
A budget is made up from budget lines which define the budgeted amount for an Account. These lines can be grouped together under another line to form a tree structure that sums up the amounts.
The actual amount of the budget lines is calculated from the debits and credits that are made to the budget’s account.
To allow the budget to be monitored in stages a budget can be distributed over the fiscal year’s Periods.
See also
Budgets can be managed from the main menu item:
The actual amounts for the budgets can be found from the main menu item:
Copy Budget¶
The Copy Budget wizard is used to copy an entire budget. It allows the Fiscal Year and the amounts to be changed in the copied budget.
Create Periods¶
The Create Periods wizard makes it easy for the user to split the budget up across Periods. It divides the budget up by using the selected method.