
The Account Asset Module introduces the following concepts:


The main concept introduced by the Account Asset Module is the Asset. It contains details of how to calculate the depreciation of a purchased quantity of fixed assets.

Each asset has a product of type Assets, a number and the values to be depreciated.


Most of the properties are filled in automatically when a supplier invoice line is set.

When the asset is run, lines are calculated for each date based on the frequency and the method for the period defined by the start and end dates. Each line stores the actual value and the depreciation of the asset for that date.


The asset lines can be tested before the asset is run using the Create Lines and Clear Lines buttons.

See also

The Assets can be found by opening the main menu item:


Create Assets Moves#

The Create Assets Moves wizard creates and posts the Account Moves for each line of running assets up to the date entered.

See also

The Create Assets Moves can be launched from the main menu item:

Update Asset#

The Update Asset wizard allows the modification of the values or the end date of a running asset. A revision is created and an Account Move is posted to record the change in value, and the remaining lines are recalculated based on the new values and date.


Depreciation Table#

The Depreciation Table report prints an amortization table of all the running assets for a given period.

Account Configuration#

The Account Configuration is extended to store the settings for the assets such as the numbering sequence or the rules for calculating the date for posting the depreciation moves.

See also

The Account Configuration concept is introduced by the Account Module.

Account Type#

The Account Type is extended to define which Accounts can be used to post the depreciation of fixed assets.

See also

The Account Type concept is introduced by the Account Module.

Account Journal#

When the Account Asset Module is activated, the Account Journal gets a new type Asset, which is used to post the depreciation of the assets.

See also

The Account Journal concept is introduced by the Account Module.


The Product concept is extended to specify whether an asset is depreciable and over what duration.

See also

The Product concept is introduced by the Product Module.

Product Category#

When the Account Asset Module is activated, the accounting Product Category acquires some additional accounting properties such as the depreciation account and asset account used for posting.

See also

The accounting Product Category concept is introduced by the Account Product Module.