


The backend manages the database connection and schema manipulation.

The name of the backend configured.


class trytond.backend.Database(name)#

Manage the connection to the named database.


Connect to the database and return the instance.

Database.get_connection([autocommit[, readonly]])#

Retrieve a connection object as defined by PEP 249#connection. If autocommit is set, the connection is committed after each statement. If readonly is set, the connection is read only.

Database.put_connection(connection[, close])#

Release the connection. If close is set, the connection is discarded.


Close all connections.

classmethod Database.create(connection, database_name)#

Create the named database using the connection.

classmethod Database.drop(connection, database_name)#

Drop the named database using the connection.


Return a list of Tryton database names. hostname filters the databases with the same configured hostname.


Initialize the database schema.


Return if the database is a Tryton database. If hostname is set, it checks also if it has the same configured hostname.

Database.nextid(connection, table[, count])#

Return the next count IDs for the table using the connection.


It may return None for some database.

Database.setnextid(connection, table, value)#

Set the value as current ID to the table using the connection.

Database.currid(connection, table)#

Return the current ID of the table using the connection.

classmethod Database.lock(connection, table)#

Lock the table using the connection.

Database.lock_id(id[, timeout])#

Return the SQL expression to lock the id. Set timeout to wait for the lock.


Return if the database handle the constraint.


Return if the database supports RETURNING in INSERT and UPDATE.


Return if the database supports INSERT of multi-rows.


Return if the database supports FOR UPDATE and FOR SHARE in SELECT.


Return if the database supports ON CONFLICT IN INSERT.


Return For class with skip locked.


Return if the database supports window functions.


Return if the database suppport unaccentuated function.


Return if the database suppport unaccentuated function in index.


Return the SQL expression of unaccentuated value.


Return if the database suppports similarity function.

Database.similarity(column, value)#

Return the SQL expression that compare the similarity of column and value.


Return if the database suppports full text search.

Database.format_full_text(\*documents[, language])#

Return the SQL expression that format the documents into text search vectors for the language.

The order of documents define the weight for proximity ranking.

Database.format_full_text_query(query[, language])#

Convert the query expression into full text query.

Database.search_full_text(document, query)#

Return the SQL expression for searching document with the query.

Database.rank_full_text(document, query[, normalize])#

Return the SQL expression to rank document with the query.

classmethod Database.has_sequence()#

Return if the database supports sequence querying and assignation.

Database.sequence_exist(connection, name)#

Return if the named sequence exists using the connection.

Database.sequence_create(connection, name[, number_increment[, start_value]])#

Create a named sequence incremented by number_increment or 1 and starting at start_value or 1 using the connection.

Database.sequence_update(connection, name[, number_increment[, start_value]])#

Modify the named sequence with number_increment and start_value using the connection.

Database.sequence_rename(connection, old_name, new_name)#

Rename the sequece from old_name to new_name using the connection.

Database.sequence_delete(connection, name)#

Delete the named sequence using the connection.

Database.sequence_next_number(connection, name)#

Return the next number fo the named sequence using the connection.

Database.has_channel(connection, name)#

Return if the database supports LISTEN and NOTIFY on channel.


Return the namedtuple(‘SQLType’, ‘base type’) corresponding to the SQL type_.

Database.sql_format(type_, value)#

Return the value casted for the SQL type_.

Database.json_get(column[, key])#

Return the JSON value of the JSON key from the column.

Database.json_key_exists(column, key)#

Return the SQL expression to test if key exists in the JSON column.

Database.json_any_keys_exist(column, keys)#

Return the SQL expression to test if any keys exist in the JSON column.

Database.json_all_keys_exist(column, keys)#

Return the SQL expression to test if all keys exist in the JSON column.

Database.json_contains(column, json)#

Rteurn the SQL expression to test if the JSON column contains json.


class trytond.backend.TableHandler(model[, history])#

Handle table for the model. If history is set, the table is the one storing the history.


The maximing length of named data for the database.


Contain the IndexTranslator for the database.

classmethod TableHandler.table_exist(table_name)#

Return if the named table exists.

classmethod TableHandler.table_rename(old_name, new_name)#

Rename the table from old_name to new_name.


Return if the named column exists.

TableHandler.column_rename(old_name, new_name)#

Rename the column from old_name to new_name.

TableHandler.alter_size(column_name, column_type)#

Modify the size of the named column using the column type.

TableHandler.alter_type(column_name, column_type)#

Modify the type of the named column.

TableHandler.column_is_type(column_name, type_[, size])#

Return if the column is of type type_. If type is VARCHAR, size is also compared except if the value if negative.

TableHandler.db_default(column_name, value)#

Set the default value on the named column.

TableHandler.add_column(column_name, abstract_type[, default[, comment]])#

Add the named column of abstract type. The default is a method that return the value to fill the new column. comment set as comment for the column.

TableHandler.add_fk(columns, reference[, ref_columns[, on_delete])#

Add a foreign key constraint on the named columns to target the ref_columns of reference table name. on_delete defines the method to use when foreign record is deleted.

TableHandler.drop_fk(columns[, ref_columns[, table])#

Drop the foreign key constraint on the named columns targeting the ref_columns. table can be used to alter another table.

TableHandler.not_null_action(column_name[, action])#

Add or remove NOT NULL on the named column.

TableHandler.add_constraint(ident, constraint)#

Add the SQL expression constraint as constraint named ident on the table.

TableHandler.drop_constraint(ident[, table])#

Drop the named ident constraint. table can be used to alter another table.

TableHandler.set_indexes(indexes[, concurrently])#

Create the indexes if possible and drop others having idx_ as prefix or _index as suffix.

If concurrently is set indexes are created concurrently if possible. It defaults to False.


Drop the named column.

classmethod TableHandler.drop_table(model, table[, cascade])#

Drop the named table and clean from the given model. Set cascade to drop objects that depend on the table.

classmethod TableHandler.convert_name(name[, reserved])#

Convert the data name to be lower than namedatalen minus reserved.


Return the best IndexTranslator for the given index.


class trytond.backend.IndexTranslator#

Convert an Index into a concrete index.

classmethod IndexTranslator.definition(index)#

Return the name, SQL query and parameters to create the index.

classmethod IndexTranslator.score(index)#

Return a score related to the fitness of using this translator for the index. A score of 0 means that the translator is unsuited for the requested usage.


exception trytond.backend.DatabaseIntegrityError#

Exception raised when the relational integrity of the database is affected.

exception trytond.backend.DatabaseDataError#

Exception raised for errors that are due to problems with the processed data.

exception trytond.backend.DatabaseOperationalError#

Exception raised for errors that are related to the database’s operation.